Saturday, April 7, 2018

Not Much To Say Tonight

I don't have much to say tonight.  For those who know me, you know that I always have something to say.  Yep, I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut which at times has given me a dose of "Foot and Mouth" disease. . . No, I guess that would be "Foot In Mouth" disease.  It is a good thing that I have rather small feet. (grin)

For those of you who have been wondering how our little Muffy has been making out, I will give you an update.  I would say that she is doing a lot better, especially when they thought she wouldn't make it through that first night.  The medicine seems to be working and she is resting and sleeping a lot better.  She is also eating a little, but not like normal.  Her breathing is still fairly fast and labored and her heart seems to beating rather hard, but she is a lot more like her old self.  I feel much better about her tonight.  I want to thank all of you for your concern.  Have a good evening, you hear?  I am going to stay up until going on one a.m. so I can give Muffy her medication that is due at that time.


  1. I sometimes pray for dogs, so I prayed for Muffy (and you).

    1. So very much appreciated. I do believe in prayer.

  2. Being an animal lover I well know your concern and worry about Muffy and I hope all goes well for as long as it can. I also know well about that 'Foot in Mouth' dilemma as well. Happens to me a lot with my blog.

    1. My problem is that I have always made very quick come-backs to someone's statement and of course I never took the time to think it through first.

  3. I'm glad that she seems to be better. You take care, my friend!

    1. So far, so good, but she refused to eat her breakfast this morning.

    2. Just tried to feed her some potted meat, since she wouldn't eat her ground turkey, macaroni, and green beans. No way, she just doesn't want to eat.

  4. I'm glad things went well....

    1. Thanks, but I am hoping that things will go a lot better today with Muffy.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Shadowmoss. Muffy has been with us for a long, long time and she is really a big part of our family.

  6. Most dogs seem to sense when they should and shouldn't eat - with the possible exception of black labs! Muffy will do the right thing for herself, and I'm glad she better than a few days ago.

    1. She had another bad spell this morning, so I held her and rocked her for quite a long time and then she wanted down and now she seems OK, for now.

  7. I am happy to hear Muffy seems to be doing a little better. You are taking such good care of her.

    1. She is a huge part of our family, so we take extra good care of her. She has been with us for almost two decades.

  8. Happy to hear she is doing better, don't want to her to suffer

    1. She only seems to suffer when she has those bad "spells" and then snaps back to normal.
