Monday, April 9, 2018

For Those Who Have Been Asking About Muffy

For all of you who have been wondering about our dear little Muffy, here is an update.  To be honest, I am not happy with her progress.  She sleeps most all of the time.  I don't know if that is all the medication she is taking or her illness.  This morning she seemed to want to eat, but when I tried to give her something, she just walked away.  Now, she is sitting in front of my wife's chair just staring at her as if to say, "get up off your rear and get me something to eat!!!"  I hope she eats some today.

I gave her the medications, even set my alarm for the one in the wee hours of the morning.  I smash up the pills in a folded piece of paper, put the required amount of water in the syringe, added the smashed up pills along with a some honey to sweeten it, and gave it to her.  I had to sit down on the floor, hold her in my lab, and force the medication into her mouth, which she swallowed.  I don't try to hide it in any food or treats because she is just way too smart to let me get away with that, and like I said above, she doesn't want to eat anything.  She does drink water so I keep her bowl clean and filled.  She is a tough old gal and I am hoping and praying for the best.

Below is a picture I just took of her.  No, her eyes do not look like that.  The odd coloring must have been from the flash of the camera.
I will say adios for now and I want you all to have great day, you hear?


  1. Said another prayer for you and Muffy and your wife.

    1. Just got from the Vet's with some food they wanted us to try and give her to get her to eat. They said one of the cans of food also had an appetite stimulant. Of course, she wouldn't even eat a bite of it. Maybe tonight at supper time???

  2. She has given you and your wife another day. Muffy sure is giving you both a run. Hope she eats a little of that food for you

    1. She ate some yogurt this morning (Tuesday) and seems to be feeling a little better.

  3. Sure hope she eats a little food soon. Saying a prayer for you, your wife and Muffy.

    1. That is really appreciated, linda m. She did eat some yogurt this morning and now is sleeping. She sleeps about 95 percent of the time.

  4. try gerber baby meat in the small jar about 1$ per jar. good for sick cats, too.

    1. Too late, she ate the dinner that my wife cooked for her last night and this morning she had a big helping of plain yogurt. But your suggestion is a good thing for us to keep in mind. I will purchase some of it to feed her.
