Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Not Good News At All. . .

Our precious Muffy is not doing to well.  We went back to the Vets this afternoon and they said that she was close to death.  They put her in a pure oxygen chamber and then gave her a cocktail of medication.  It seemed to perk her up some.  When we got home she even ate a little bit and has been sleeping ever since.

They said that if she made it through the night to bring her back in the morning or if she doesn't, to call and tell them.  It sounds to me that they don't expect her to make it through the night.  Yes, I am very, very upset and can't seem to keep my eyes clear of tears.  The vets kind of suggested that we should put her down, but she doesn't seem to be in any pain and as long as she seems to be active and enjoys being petted, I will continue to pet her.

We mentioned that she was getting up in years and must be at least 13 years old.  They told us according to their records that she was 17 or 18 years old.  Wow, I guess she has been training my wife and I for a long time, and keeping the other two pups and my wife and I in line.  Yes, I know that none of us can live forever but as long as someone lives on to remember, they are not really dead and forgotten.  Of course, we hope that she may rally and get back to her old self, but I have to realize that is a very slim possibility.  I must end this blog before I really start crying and short out my laptop's key board.  I sure hope you had a better day than I did.


  1. So sorry to read this, as long as she isn't suffering I'm with you just keep her happy with the petting and loving.

    1. That is the way I look at it, and I have been doing a lot of that.

  2. So sorry to hear this, it is heart breaking . Our pets are some of most important people in our lives . I hope the best for you .Vern in Boise Idaho

    1. Just got all her medications in her, that was a job but crushing all the pills and putting them in a little water with some honey, then putting all that in a syringe (with out the needle) and getting it into her mouth. That actually worked pretty well.

  3. So very sorry to hear your Little One isn't doing well. We have all been there so now how very painful this is for you. I lost my little Willie a year ago and still cry when I think of it! I am sitting here now with tears in my eyes and wishing with all my heart your Little One gets better!

    1. We just got back from the Vets and they decided to keep her there with them for the rest of the day. They will put her in the oxygen booth to get her oxygen levels back up to where they should be and give her some strong medication, so want to observe her for the rest of the day. It will be a long day for her, since we dropped her off early this morning.

  4. It's always tough to lose an old friend, especially one that loyal.

    1. I hope it doesn't come to that but do know that we can not put off the inevitable for ever.

  5. Always so sad to loose a family pet, after loosing our last on I decided no more, it is just too hard.

    1. We have two more at home, and they keep looking for little miss Muffy.

  6. So sorry to hear this. I agree, as long as she isn't in any pain why not keep her with you where you can pet her and love her. I think Muffy would rather die in your arms than be put down. My heart feels so sad for you.

    1. That is the plan, linda. I will be very happy to pick her up later this afternoon.

  7. I was saddened to hear of Muffy's condition, but I know she must enjoy the loving and petting at home Peace on your house, my friend.

    1. We treat our pups like they were our own children and in a way they are. Thank you Hermit, need the peace.

  8. It is as if I were losing my two big dogs all over again, as all the pain comes back. You and your wife are giving her so much love and care, and she knows she's loved. That's the best anyone can hope for, including our beloved pets.

    1. We have lost dogs before and some have died in my arms. I am a big softy when it comes to dogs.

  9. I am sorry to hear of your difficulties with your pup..

    1. Thanks Rob. I am sure hoping we will all be back to our complete family again. . . maybe later today. They said we could pick her up later in the afternoon.

  10. We picked up Muffin from the Vets and she seems a lot more perky and ate a bowl of food. That is a good sign, since she wouldn't eat before we took her to the Vet. She seems a lot more like her old self, but I better "knock on wood".

  11. Do whatever feels right for you and Muffin. I think our dogs know more than we give them credit. She may be aware that her time with you is short and every bit of attention you give her is a pleasure for her. Best wishes to you both. -- Sue

    1. I give all our pups a lot of attention, but since Muffin is in bad shape, she gets the most.

  12. I am sorry to hear that Muffy is going through all of this but glad that she is back home with you guys. May she get better soon.

    1. She seems a little better this morning. Even ate her food. Felt real good about that. Getting all the medication into her is the biggest problem. Thanks for the good wishes.

  13. I just picked up your blog for the first win weeks, and we are on our way this afternoon to place our 16 year old cat, Lightning, down. He hasn't eaten in 2 days, only had very little water and only weighs about 4 pounds. God be with both our household s today.
