Monday, April 2, 2018

What Have We Been Doing?

What have we been doing lately?  Well, the major thing is trying to keep our oldest pup, Muffin, alive and well.  She is old but normally full of life topped off with vim an vigor  She has had a few heart attacks and had another bad spell yesterday.  She screams and falls over on her side with her feet sticking straight out.  I hurriedly picked her up and rocked her.  It didn't take her long to get back to her perky self, but she sure does scare me.  I know, one of these days, she will not snap back.

She takes three different medications for her problem and last night we ran out of one after she took the last pill.  This morning my wife and I ran up to the Vets and got that prescription renewed and then hurried back and gave her one of those pills to keep her on schedule.  She takes her medication at ten in the morning and again at ten in the evening.  She will be on medication for as long as she lives, which I hope is a long, long time.  Our other two pups sense that something is wrong.  I believe that dogs know a lot more about what is going around them then we humans do.

I know that I have published a blog posting about Muffy's health problems, so just think of this posting as another follow-up.  Now, I hope you and yours will have a great day, you hear?


  1. Good luck with the pup. We do get attached to them.

    1. Yes, we sure do. She has been with us for a long, long time and just loved to travel.

  2. Our last dog had repeated strokes, screaming in pain and we had to put her down. I hope this one passes quietly in her sleep. The alternative can be heart-wrenching.

    1. I have had to put pets down, and it is a heart breaking thing to do but when they will never get better and are in constant pain and suffering, it is the kindest thing to do. My pup isn't that bad as of yet.

  3. I'm sure the other dogs know exactly what is going on. They are so intelligent, I feel really bad to hear this latest bit of news, but hang in there, Muffie Girl!

    1. This morning, she is still coughing but seems to be no worse. She would not eat, though. I put her pills in Vienna Sausage, which she usually loves, but she would eat them, either.

  4. It is really hard to watch them go through any kind of pain. Fred seems to be slowing down these days and is getting more grey every day. Hope your Muffie does well on her meds

    1. I hope they work, too. If she doesn't take them in a little while, I will just push them down her throat. I hate to do that.

  5. Thanks for the update on Muffy. Hoping she is around for a long time yet.

    1. I hope so, too. But, she is getting old and I know she will not be around for ever. But she will always live in my heart as long as I am alive.
