Monday, February 19, 2018

Going Back to an Old Post.

OK, I am going to be really lazy today and just send you back to one of my old posts in 2010: 

How many of you remember that old blog posting?  In the overall scheme of things, nothing has really changed that much since I posted that, except me.  I am a lot older but still get a thrill out of science, space, the universe, and a lot more.

Now you all look up to the sky, especially at night, and observe the wonders and the vastness.  It is hard to predict what all is actually way, way out there.  Now, keep your feet firmly planted on Earth and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Yes I think I remember that post and I am a lot older now as well.

    1. I guess you could say that we prefer growing older to the alternative.

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  2. I don't remember the post but it sure makes interesting reading now and give food for thought. Since our sun seems to be going into a dormant period and causing strange weather and disasters, I hate to think of what could happen.

    1. As long as we are stuck on this planet, we are at the mercy of the sun, which could swell and swallow us or shrink and freeze us.

    2. During that total eclipse it got noticeably colder ....

  3. There is a science fiction short story along these lines, Inconstant Moon By Larry Niven
    It's a pdf but you have to establish a free account to download it.
    It's a really good story... I read it years ago in one of his short story collections.

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  5. I don't remember the post but it sure is interesting reading. What happens in this Universe is out of my control so I don't think I will worry about it toooooo much.

    1. You are right, we have enough problems right where we live.
