Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Funny Sounding Words and Their Meanings.

When I was a young man, there were a lot of roads that were made out of Macadam.  Do any of you know what that was or is?  I helped put some of that stuff down to resurface some roads.  What it is small stones mixed with oil, tar, or asphalt.  One truck spread the tar and another truck spread the small stones then a roller drove over it and then it was ready for traffic.  So, have you heard of Macadam or Macadamized pavement?

OK, how about Allegator?  You better take a closer look at that word, it isn't Alligator.  Allegator is someone who alleges.  Isn't English fun???

Has anyone called you a Troglodyte?  I sure hope not.  A troglodyte is someone or something that lives in a cave.

Here is a couple of words I am very familiar with and I and my family have used quite a bit.  Rigmarole and Shenanigan.  Rigmarole is nonsense or unnecessary complexity.  And of course Shenanigan is a prank or mischief.

Now, if you knew all those words and their meanings you must be a Panjandrum.  Oh, by the way, a panjandrum is someone who thinks himself high and mighty.  And of course I think that all my readers are high and mighty and I want you to have a great evening, you hear?


  1. Were Troglodytes early RVers who just used available free housing?

    1. Yep, you guessed it. . . the difference in them and a troll is a troll lives under bridges.

  2. The only word I am not familiar with is Allegator. The Macadam road was what the town always put on our road until we became a city. Good post today.

  3. I didn't know three of them, so you have a better vocabulary than I have.

  4. Macadam roads were named for John Loudon McAdam, this is all back around 1820.

  5. I know macadam, troglodyte, rigamarole and shenanigan, but not the other two. I should have figured out the meaning of allegator, but now I won't forget it. I like posts like yours today - something to tax my brain!

    1. Glad you liked it. It taxed my brain to write it (grin).
