Saturday, February 24, 2018

You Mean It Ain't So???

Oh me, Oh my, the inhumanity of it all. . . That is how I feel when I find out that something that I thought was true for years and years turns out to be false.  Of course, maybe what they are saying today is false and what I thought was true all those years was true.  Heck, I don't know and I better be real careful or I will really get myself confused.

Let me tell you what I am talking about.  Back on July 20, 1969, the Apollo 11 astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong landed on moon and later Armstrong became the first man to step on the moon.  I have heard that Neil said "Good luck Mr. Gorsky" while he was walking on the moon.  It was said that Neil, as a boy, had heard the neighbor's wife through an open window, tell her husband something to the affect "You want what kind of sex?  You have as much chance of that happening as the boy next door walking on the moon."

According to everything I could find, that never happened.  Dang, I liked that story and hoped it was true.  Have any of you heard that story and did you think it was true, like I did, or false?  Now, keep your feet planted firmly on the ground and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Alas, sounds made up to me! But it's still a good story. :-)

    1. I have heard that story for such a long time that I have come to believe it, but like you said, it does sound made up.

  2. I've heard that story, too. Who's to say? - lol

    1. I don't know any way to find out if it is real.

  3. It's a real good story, true or not!

    1. I always thought it was true, but I have been wrong before. . . at least once or twice (grin).

    2. Wrong once or twice. Is that one of those "oh ya, it was May 2nd 1962, about 2:30 in the afternoon... I guessed wrong" deals? :-)

  4. Like everyone else I too have heard that story. Too bad NASA couldn't shed a little light on that because they would probably have all the tapes and transcripts from that Moon landing. Even if Armstrong didn't say it it's still fun to believe he did.

    1. It wasn't on the recorded tapes nor in the transcripts, so there is no proof that he said it. It just may have been a joke.

  5. I also heard that story. True or not I'm sticking with it because I like it.

    1. Ok, me too. Even if something isn't so, if we believe it is so it is so.
