Friday, February 16, 2018

Extra Warm for this Time of Year.

It has been exceptionally warm for this time of year, with temp up in the 80's and my AC decided to die.  Called the repairman yesterday and he showed up this morning.  I guess there isn't much for him to do this time of year.

It didn't take him long and discovered some leaks so injected some expensive sealing stuff into it along with a lot more Freon.  It started working like new and cooled my whole home down very quickly.  I guess if you are going to have AC trouble, this time of year is a good time to have it since the AC repair guy is not over worked.  In fact, he is looking for work.

Looking at the weather forecast, it isn't supposed to cool off for a few more days.  There may be a front come through here Sunday and change things back to seasonal weather.  Like they say, if you don't like the weather here, stick around, it will change soon.  Now, keep cool or warm (which ever you prefer) and have a great evening, you hear?


  1. I know I need to have several things checked out, such as the gas heater, but hate to think of what it would cost.

    1. Spend a little now or a lot later. That is usually the case. But I do know what you mean.

  2. It got to 83 here today, the cold front we were expecting never made it.

    Glad you got the A/C up and running and like you mention if you are going to have problems with it this is the ideal time to have it.

    1. That is for sure. The AC guy was glad to have something to do and make a few bucks.

  3. I would never live if my a/c went down. I already have a guy lined up for the season. The one who fixed my furnace when every one else wanted to sell me a new one and a new a/c. Hard to find honest people anymore

    1. I really like this guy. He does a great job for a fair price. He also said that he could save me a few bucks on replacing the pressure tank on my well.

  4. Nice that you git your Ac working before the heat of the summer.

  5. We are warming up around here also. Only problem with that is all the snow is melting and now we are going to have 2 solid days of rain. We have flood warnings out until Wednesday. Last year our AC went out early in the season (got a new unit) so don't expect any problems this year.

    1. It is too bad the rain can't be spread evenly throughout the year.
