Friday, January 12, 2018

RV Trip, Old Style

My wife suggested we take a ride in the RV.  OK!!!  It is about time.  But, she wanted to go "Old Style".  OK, any ride in the RV is OK with me.  So we loaded it up and hit the trail.

No, it wasn't the RV shown in my header picture.  She decided to go the no frills way.

You can see me driving the oxen and my wife walking off to the side.  The two gal pups are sleeping in the back but our male had just visited that cactus and is looking right at the camera.  This mode of travel is a little outdated.  Maybe I ought to upgrade my RV.  What do you think?  It may take awhile but we will eventually get to our destination although it may be a long time between hot spots and cell phone towers.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?

BTW, my wife cut out a picture of me and one of our male pup and pasted them on that picture.  I sure did get a kick out of it and I hope you all do, too.


  1. Have fun can't wait to read about your trip

    1. That would make a good story, wouldn't it? But, it is all in my imagination.

  2. If you heading to California maybe see you next year, enjoy the journey !

    1. It is hard to imagine how difficult those early travelers had it. After they traveled for months they finally came to a huge wall called the Rocky Mountains. If they couldn't find a pass they were stuck.

  3. Replies
    1. The trip is fiction. My RV is still sitting in the driveway and hasn't been started for over a year. Probably will need the batteries charged.

  4. You could only take your imaginary trip back in the day. If you tried to do that today on our highways and by-ways you all would get run over, ticketed or worst.

    It never hurts to dream!

    1. I sure would have liked to lived in those old days, but I wasn't born until World War Two. Yes, probably run over and ticketed.

  5. I LOVE the joking side of your dear wife. I had no idea, and I enjoyed her trick on you.

    1. She jokes quite a lot, in fact, before we got married she said she was very rich girl. . . and compared to me, she was.

  6. It's hard to believe that people came across the continent that way. You look like your're enjoying it!

    1. Yes it is. We have to give them credit for taking all the hardships to get to the west coast. It was a lot easier for you, right???

    2. Which time? I've made that coast to coast drive so many times and so many routes. The worst was overnighting in Austin and being awakened at 4am by an ice storm.

  7. Doing my once-in=a=while check in. See you're still arolling,, lol.

  8. I can remember seeing those old Conestoga wagons out at the "Ponderosa Ranch" where they filmed the old TV Western with Loren Green. I often wondered how in the world animals pulled those things up slope.

  9. That's a pretty clever darn photo of you guys. I like it.
