Tuesday, January 9, 2018

A Couple of Old Sayings.

Most people have some favorite words that they use as expletives to enlighten or brighten up their words or thoughts.  You have probably heard of some of the most popular, like "gosh darn", "damn", "holy crap", or some that are a lot worse and I am not going to list them.  But, what I am going to do is tell you what my grandfather and one of my uncles favorite expletives were.

My grandfather would not ever swear or take the Lord's name in vane, but he did have one saying that I heard him use quite often to show his great surprise in something or someone.  He would say, "Jumping Judas Priest".  I have never heard anyone else use this as an expletive, have you?

Then there was one of my uncles.  His favorite expletive was "Hokie Spoons".  I have no idea where that came from.  The only thing that I can come up with is that the "The Virginia Tech football team is called "Hokies".  My uncle Bob was not from Virginia and didn't go to Virginia Tech, so I have no idea how he came up with that saying or why.  I just use the simple ones, like "Oh Crap".  Now, tell us what your favorite expletive is and make sure you have a great day, don't want to hear you say Oh Crap, you hear?


  1. Replies
    1. I guess my blog posting put you to sleep. . . all those zzzzz's

  2. A couple I've heard Are "Jumpin' Jehosephat" and "crimon Italy." I have NO idea how they came up with the second one.

    1. I have heard that first one, but not the second.

  3. I'm not aloud to use them here. But Oh Crap comes to mind on a nice one and dam.

  4. I am not very proud of it... but since you asked...I use one that consists of five words in Spanish.

    1. I only know a couple of Spanish words, so probably don't know those five words. That means you could swear at me and I wouldn't know it. (grin)

  5. My Dad would say "Jumping Judas Priest" also. I use Oh Crap or Holy Crap. The others I'm not allowed to say out loud. haha

    1. It seems that you and I are about the same. Yep, you would be shocked to hear what I sometimes say under my breath.

  6. Illegitimate sons of female dogs!

  7. My best pal Rob used to say, as a fine alternative to swearing, "Holy Ned!" I do my best to keep it going. :-)
