Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Baby It's Cold Outside!!!

Hey!!!, I live only 30 miles north of Houston, TX. and when I moved south, I figured that I left Old Man Winter behind.  Well, I did fool him for quite awhile but there have been a few (very few) times that he caught up with me and today was one of those mornings.  My thermometer read in the lower 20's but Conroe, TX (the closest place that records the temperature) they said it only got  down to 26 degrees.  Either way, it was way too cold for this area.  The all time low temperature for here was five degrees and that was back on January 18, 1930.  It has never gotten down to zero here. . . yet.

Most everyone, including me, that has their own wells, have the pump and pressure tank sitting on a slab of cement at the well site.  Back just after it was put in, I built a small enclosure that looked like a little house, that I would put a light bulb in it when there was a chance of freezing.  That little building as gone away and I have just tossed a couple of tarps over it with a light bulb under the tarps that I plug in when the temperatures are going to drop below freezing.  By the way, it is almost impossible to find those old type light bulbs.  The new type do not give off much heat, if any.  When I do find the old style bulbs, I purchase a few of them.

Just now on the eleven am news, they said that it would drop way below freezing again tonight.  If it keeps this up, this will be one of the coldest winters we have had.  We still have a lot of winter left, and you never know what it will be like.  Maybe I will have to find an Old Farmer's Almanac and see if it will be or not.  There was some frozen precipitation last night but not enough to cause any problems.

Yep, I know.  You people that live way up in the north part of the world (or down at Antarctica) are laughing really hard at me for thinking that the 20's are really cold.  I lived up north and loved the fresh fallen snow.  I always had some excuse to be out in it, but after I have lived down here for awhile, my blood must have thinned and I get cold quicker than I ever did. . . just don't tell me that is because I have gotten old!  Now, you all keep warm and cozy and have a great day, you hear?


  1. 27 this morning in Rockport Tx when I climbed into Sierra to go to breakfast. Been a bad winter here with snow and a freeze.

    1. Yep, been a bad winter and it might just get worse.

  2. Got down to 14 degrees here in Terlingua last night. I even heard of 9 degrees not far from here. It was colder here than in Odessa (230 miles north of here)

    1. I guess this winter if you want to get warm you have to travel north. . . (grin)

  3. If you can find some of the old style light bulbs buy the entire stock of them. They are not being made any more. I've lived in Sacramento just long enough to think 50 degrees is cold! It's all relative.

    1. You bet I will buy those bulbs if I find any. And yes, I think 50 degrees is cold, too.

  4. It was 30 this morning at the rest stop in Mississippi, right now we're in Livingston Texas & it's not warm :-) But we're not too far from you!

    I'm plugged in, have plenty of propane for the furnace so I've nothing to complain about.
    I'm headed for Quartzsite AZ, where it looks like it will be a little warmer than this side of the country.

    1. I haven't had my RV out for over a year. I just can't bear to sell it, but my wife doesn't like to travel much any more.

    2. OH yes, Livingston isn't far from me.

  5. This is some crazy weather. Some parts of FL. had snow and my friend said they are expecting a hard freeze tonight. Stay Warm and safe

    1. We who now live in what is suppose to be the warm part of the states have to have a bit of cold weather so we can better appreciate the rest of the nice days. Wow, is that moon bright tonight.

  6. Since I live in Wisconsin I won't even tell you how cold it is outside; more or less what the wind chill is. Cold is cold no matter where you are and what your normal temps are supposed to be. We have had these cold temps before but never for this long of a duration. I had to put tropical pictures on my computer wallpaper just to warm up a bit. Keep warm and keep that well pump warm.

    1. My place is located 30 miles north of Houston, TX. My son lives on the back of my property down here, but right now he is working a job in North Dakota. And yes, he is freezing his butt off.

  7. been below freezing over 60 hours here. Now, thats bad! Got to 50 or so late yesterday, but not for long.

    1. This isn't suppose to be that cold down here in Texas.

  8. When I was a kid, mom had hooks in the walls where the open archways were. In winter she'd hang heavy blankets to close off all outside walls, kitchen, bedrooms, so we could sit in the tiny living room without frost on the windows. When I look back, I want to gag when I realize how dirt poor we were. And I stayed in that house for 60 years. I NEVER WANT TO BE COLD AGAIN.

    1. When it is cold, I can keep putting on more clothes, but when it is hot, I can only take them off down to the skin and it is still hot.
