Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Ice Storm, No Water

What they say here in Texas is that "if you don't like the weather, stick around and it will change in no time".  It has been Spring, Summer, and Winter here all within a few days and it is fixing to change again.  We had an ice storm today.  I just don't mean a little ice but grains of ice that covered everything with a few inches of white.  Since it didn't get out of the mid 20's today, none of it went away.  Of course, they say that in a few days it will be back up in the 70's.

My power pole that used to supply service to my old house and now just supplies electric to my water well pump, rotted off at the ground and broke off.  I called the electric company and they came and shut the power off to it.  I told them that meant that I wouldn't have any water.  They insisted and said it was for safety reasons.  They cut the wires, rolled them up, and placed them at the top of a tall electric pole way out of my reach.

The only way that I can get water again is to run a wire from my other pole that services my home, to the pump.  That means going to the store tomorrow to buy another breaker and 150 feet or more of heavy wire to get the 220 volt service to my pump.  My son loaded his big generator in the frontend loader of his tractor and brought it up.  He hooked it up to the pump but the pump started running but was just making a funny noise and didn't pump any water.  I suppose that it needed primed but that takes a lot more water than I have on hand and I only want to put clean water into my well.  I hope we can come up with some kind of solution tomorrow.  Heck, I didn't want a shower tonight anyway. . . Now, you all take a big drink of water for me and have a great day, you hear? 


  1. Having no water is no fun at all. Hope you can sort it out fairly soon. Good luck!

    1. Isn't funny how you don't get thirsty until there is no water?? We have bottled water to drink, so we will get through this.

  2. Replies
    1. The motor home hasn't been used for over a year and before last winter, I drained all the water out of the fresh water system.

    2. I read somewhere you can drink urine, if you really, really get thirsty. Just sayin'.

  3. Water problems suck, especially in the cold weather.

  4. Well that's a rotten piece of bad luck you had. Hope you are able to get that problem resolved right quick.

    1. What makes the problem worse is at my age and at this cold temperature, I do not move very fast, so it may take awhile (grin).

    2. Hey JO, for some reason, blogger will not let me post a reply after you comment, so I will put it here. I went to the store and bought a lot of gallon jugs of drinking water, so am OK so far, unless I want to take a shower or flush a commode.

  5. Sorry about this problem and you know it never happens when its convenient to fix. Hope you get it fixed soon. I always have extra water in my shed just in case.

  6. I saw how bad the freeways got with all the ice you received and the accompanying accidents.

    Hope you get your water issues resolved. Thankfully, I always have extra water on hand and I also capture rain water.

  7. I need to get my 55 gal water barrel filled for an emergency. I just haven't felt up to it for a while. Your experience makes me think that maybe I should do it tomorrow!

  8. That really "blows"; not having water is a bummer. Hope you get it fixed soon. Just don't slip and fall on the ice like i did last week. Not fun at our age.
