Friday, January 19, 2018

Got Water -- Finally

We finally got water into the house.  I bought a 250 foot roll of 10-2 UF with ground.  Also bought a double breaker to put into the electric box.  Didn't have time to bury the cable, but got it stretched out and it reached the water well with some to spare.  We needed the power at the well when the well service guy showed up to fix the trouble.

He hooked up the electric and tried the pump.  The pump motor was working, as I told him, but it didn't pump water.  I told him I thought that it had lost its prime because the foot-valve was probably leaking.  He agreed but also pointed out that the pressure tank was badly rusted and wouldn't hold up much longer.  He primed the well.  That took a lot of water but he had a lot of water on his truck.

I guess that the next thing is to change out that pressure tank.  My son said that he would help me with that.  If not, could probably do it myself or call the well fixing guy, again.  Oh the wonders of living in the country, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  Now, you all take a big drink of water for me and have a great evening, you hear?


  1. Congratulations. It is nice to have water from the faucets again I imagine.

    1. You don't know how much you count on something until it goes away. Sure glad to have it back.

  2. Water is a good thing to have. Enjoy your shower!! :-)

    1. You can go, they say, many times longer without food than you can without water. But I can't go more than few hours without food (grin).

  3. So happy you are in business again. I had a pipe burst one winter and didn't have water for a week. I had to go to the club house to shower, and had plenty water jugs for drinking and cooking but what a hassle.

    1. It is going to take awhile for me to get over being mad at the electric company. Since I got things running again, all I have to do now is burry the electric cable from the breaker box to the well. That is a long way but there is no hurry.

  4. Things like this always happen at the worst possible time. At least the weather has warmed up a bit.

    I will drink to your health with a big glass of water, and you enjoy yours, ok?

    1. Actually, there is no real good time for that to happen, but at least the ground wasn't frozen. We are now in a warm spell but I bet it will change

  5. Very happy to hear you have water again.

  6. I sympathize with you. Usually, when my water goes out, it's the little pump activation switch out under the pump cover. It ALWAYS happens on a weekend so I have to pay the well drilling service double time to come out and fix it.

    We had our submersible pump go out and had to have it replaced twice up here, but since we have been here since 1986 I guess I can't complain. On the other hand, when it does go out, the pump alone is a thousand dollars.

    Hope all that gets squared away for you soon. I had to replace a pressure tank once, it was no fun at all.

    1. I got to blame it on the electric company. Power was off way too long.

  7. It is so nice to have well water. We had to drill a new one a couple of years ago.

    What a hassle for you. What a blessing your son is handy!

    1. It was good that he was home. He usually is working way off somewhere. He was in North Dakota or somewhere up near Canada.
