Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Found an old Childhood Friend.

My wife was looking for something yesterday and came across a childhood toy of mine.  It was a Teddy Bear and it was showing its age with hair loss and missing eyes.  Its name is Teddy, now that is an unique name for a Teddy Bear, isn't it?

Did you notice the hat that it was wearing?  That hat means a lot to me.  It was my Grandpa's and it is one of the hats that he wore at work as an engineer on a steam locomotive for the Pennsylvania Rail Road.  I can't expect anyone; son, grandson, or great grandson to feel the same about that bear and that hat, but when I am gone, I hope that they will.

Who would have ever thought that back when I was a child that someday there would be such a thing as computers and the internet and that my Teddy would be seen on these?  I was through school, college, and had been working for many years before computers shrunk down from those huge punch card reading machines and then the huge reel to reel punch tape reading machines that I used back in my early career days.  Yes, I have seen the early days of computing up through all the advancements till today, as I type on a laptop that has thousands of more computing power than any of those old behemoths.  And yes, I remember those wonderful coal burning steam engines.  Yep, I am really that old. . . Now, I hope I brought back some great memories for all of you.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Since I am sooooo much younger than you, the steam engines I remember on the Galveston-Houston railroad were oil fired. Coal was not readily available in Pasadena but oil was everywhere. But the rail folks still wore those type of hats. Good memories there old friend.

    1. You are sooooo much younger than I am. Next month I will be 75. I never saw any oil fired engines even though Pennsylvania was were the first oil well was drilled.

  2. Love your bear and your grandfathers hat, what wonderful memories to still have.

    1. Oh yes and I do have many, many more great memories from my early years.

  3. Those are some great memories. We all need memories. My house has a number of items that belonged to our great-grandparents and grandparents. Such fond memories I have of them. I road on a coal fired train at Dollywood - sure was a lot of soot flying around.

    1. Those old coal fired RR engines were quite dirty for sure.

  4. Wonderful Bear! He is adorable!

    I had a stuffed cat as a child that I have seen in a photo from long ago. I wish I could touch it again. I can almost in my mind.

    1. I am sure that most of us have had things like these that when remembered, bring back a lot of childhood memories.

  5. I thoroughly enjoyed this blog, thanks for sharing.
