Sunday, August 27, 2017

Wondering About Harvey.

I enjoyed that movie with Jimmy Stewart.  He was one of my favorite actors.

Yes, I am sure you remember him.  Now, do you remember the movie he made named "Harvey"?  Harvey was a 6'-3 1/2" tall rabbit that was his best friend.

The Harvey I am wondering about is not near as friendly but it is moving in without being invited.  I suppose that pictures are worth many thousands of words so in order to save my poor old fingers from typing thousands of words, here are some pictures.  Just click on the link and you will see what is going on in our area:

We are getting more heavy rain and it is suppose to rain for quite a few more days.  Just now (11:42) my satellite TV signal was lost.  Now I will have to look outside to see what the weather is like and keep my ear tuned to the roar of tornadoes. . . Oh good, it came back on, now I can stay in my rocker/recliner.  Now, keep your powder dry and try to have a great day, you hear?

Update. . .  we have already had about two feet of rain and they are predicting 20 to 22 inches more tonight and tomorrow.  That will be a total of almost four feet.  That is almost a half a years worth of rain all in a couple of days.  


  1. Nice that you are on higher ground there, keep dry and keep watching for those Tornados.

    1. When I bought the property, I looked it over and made the choice of putting my house on the highest ground.

  2. My friends in Rockport who evacuated are not yet allowed back in town to see what is left of their places.

  3. Jimmy Stewart was one of my favorite actors. I loved the movie Harvey. Praying that you and your family stay safe

    1. They don't make actors like they used to. The Duke, Kirk Douglas, etc.

  4. our daughter's in-laws all live in the Galveston area... they all built on high ground so are okay. We are getting a fair amount of rain here in Glen Rose. I've been hoping all is well with you, and it sounds like you're doing okay. Keep Safe...

    1. So far so good, but they say it may come back for a second try.

  5. I'll have a drink and one for my friend Harvey. . .

    Fun movie.

    Glad to hear you built on the height of land. Good plan. I'm sure my in-law's place is an island by now.

    1. I have been through a few floods. I remember one when my car got flooded. I thought I had it all dried out and it ran OK but about a week later mushrooms popped growing from the seat.

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