Saturday, August 26, 2017

Still Have My Head Above Water.

I still have my head above water, although most of the Texas east coast has had some degree of flooding.  Some places have had more rain than they have had for forty years.

If you are reading this Barney, your favorite area on the Texas coast, Rockport, got hit very hard.  Hurricane Harvey came slowly ashore in the Rockport/Corpus Christi area, and just sat there for awhile pumping water inland.  Pictures are worth a thousand words so go to this site and look at the pictures:

Here were I live we have had some gusts of wind and rain all day long.  Nothing too bad but the rain water has to go somewhere and there is and will be flooding around the area.  I don't have a problem with flooding since water runs away from my house.  Now my son, who lives on the back of my property, says he was temped to stuff empty sealed 55 gallon drums under his house and make a sail out of a couple of those blue tarps and take cruise.  Aloha son.  Now you all stay high and dry and have a great day, you hear?


  1. We've been thinking about y'all, stay safe!

    1. If it gets too bad, I will put floatation under my recliner/rocker, then I will be good to go.

  2. Thanks for the link. All I have to worry about up here in north Alabama is the Tennessee River flooding the campground again and tornadoes.

    1. There were tornadoes spinning off the hurricane, too. It is quiet now, you know, the lull between the storms.

  3. Rain still coming down here at my house, but a lot slower than it was. I don't mind a slow rain, I reckon.

    1. Now, at 9:30, the news is showing a strong band of storms coming through our area. Keep your water wings and swim fins close at hand and please be safe.

  4. Hoping you get through this with no major problems. I was wondering about the build-up of water and glad to hear the ground slopes away from your place. Stay safe.

    1. Just going to stay in until I know it is OK to venture out on the roads.

  5. Thanks for the link Dizzy. Glad to see Hermit here. Stay safe everyone

    1. I have no reason to venture out, so staying safe and snug at home. Right now the TV is giving a tornado warning.

  6. Thanks for the photos of Rockport , one of our favourite places to go. It's been a few years thought maybe we would head west that way for a visit, but probably not after Harvey.

    1. I am sure that there will be scares left there, but those coastal towns (that rely on tourists) are good at bouncing back quickly.

  7. Happy to hear you are still okay. Love your son's idea - sure hope he doesn't have to use it.

    1. He is leaving tonight for an out-of-state job project.

    2. Hope he did not have to board a plane because just learned that both Hobby and Bush International airport are closed until further notice.

  8. Glad you and yours are safe. Thanks for the link to the pictures. Stay dry.

  9. No, he is driving and will drive straight though taking over a full day and night of driving.
