Thursday, August 24, 2017

Going To Get Wet.

It is going to get wet around here.  A storm system is moving in off the Gulf and will hit the East Texas coast a little south of Houston.  That puts us up here north of Houston on the wet side of the storm and they are predicting from ten to twenty inches here and south of me, maybe up to two or three feet.  That is a lot of water!!!

I should be OK where I live since water runs away from my home.  Maybe it does that because I am so ugly I scare it away.  Well, I hope it works this time, too.  Too little or too much rain can be a real problem and we get both of these situations at one time or another.

I am sure hoping that everyone in the path of this storm will get through it without too much hardship and especially without any physical trauma to themselves.  I know some of you will be hit hard with this storm whereas others will be missed entirely.  Now, if you can, have a great day, you hear?


  1. I've been keeping an eye on Harvey. I'm glad you are safe even though a "bit" wet.

    My in-laws live in Refugio near Victoria and my brother in Brownsville area.

    1. The southeast Texas coast looks like it will get hit hard. Up this way, just a lot of rain. Right now it is clear and sunny and HOT here.

  2. The Rockport area is under mandatory Evacuation orders as of noon today.

    1. I am heading for Jacks for supper of fried chicken, green beans and mashed potatoes. They are right down the street from me for the last four weeks here in north Alabama.

  3. Gonna get really wet around my house, I'm afraid.

  4. Praying for all you down there. Stay safe.

    1. Everyone is rushing to the stores to get supplies. Well, at least the stores are making a killing.

  5. HERE it is, saturday morning,, yall still ok?

    1. I got my snorkel handy but we are still OK. My son, who lives in a single wide mobile home on the back of my property, said he was going to put 55 gal barrels under his house, rig a sail from a big blue tarp, and sail away.
