Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Lonely Lawn Mower.

I often wonder if a pieces of non-living things have emotions.  No, of course they don't, but we seem to put human traits to those things.  You know, like cars, boats, etc.  So, when I noticed this abandoned lawn mower behind my place, I thought it looked lonely and that the morning glories were trying to cheer it up.

Here is a picture of some of the morning glories:

The first thing I noticed was the vine going from the ground up to the handle.  Now those morning glory vines are very limber and couldn't grow straight up in the air, but it didn't wind its way up the handle from the ground.  Yep, I always have to have something to wonder about.

Here, take a look for yourself:

What do you think?  Does it look sad and lonely to you and do you think the flowers are trying to cheer it up?  Or do you think that there is a more logical explanation for it?  I prefer to think about both, makes life more interesting, don't you think?  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I wonder how it will take nature to reclaim the materials in that mower?

    1. Longer than it will take Nature to reclaim the materials in me, but not much longer.

  2. The mower does look a little lonely but this morning glories are doing a fine job of cheering it up. Mother Nature never lets anything go to waste. She finds a purpose for everything -even old lawnmowers that can be used as a trellis.

    1. We could learn a thing or two from good ole Mother Nature, for sure.
