Sunday, August 20, 2017

The Way I See It.

The way I see it, is sometimes a little different than most people see things.  I like to be accurate when I say something.  For instance, how many times have you heard it said that someone got hurt falling.  That would be a rare occurrence.  It is usually the sudden stop when the falling person hits something, like the floor or the sidewalk or some other solid thing.  I have had a few memorable falls.  I have already written blogs about them.

I just wasted a lot of time writing two large paragraphs about those falls when all I had to do was give you links to the original posts.  Here is the link:


You know, maybe I will just leave the two paragraphs in this blog but put them at the end.  They are the next two paragraphs:

Once when I was visiting at my Aunt and Uncle's home in a little town on the river in Pennsylvania, I was out walking the sidewalks.  It was winter time and quite cold, so I had my hands in my pocket.  I tripped over an uneven piece of sidewalk.  The falling part didn't hurt at all, I was quite comfortable on the way down.  It was that sudden stop when I hit the sidewalk face down that hurt.  You see, I couldn't get my hands out of my pockets quick enough to catch myself.

I remember another one.  When I was in my early teens, my buddy and I would spend one week at a church camp.  I would take the top bunk and he would take the one below me.  Since it was in the mountains and the nights got rather cold, most of us slept in sleeping bags.  I was zipped up in my bag with my hands down by my side, and I rolled over.  Oooops. . . I woke up have way to the floor which I hit face first.  Well, at least I have an excuse for being ugly (grin).  Now, try not to fall on your face and have a great day and night, you hear?


  1. Seems like both those falls could have been fairly bad! Good thing you weren't hurt too badly. I try and forget my falls as best I can.

    1. I have fallen quite a few times, but those two are the most memorable.

  2. I have taken a few tumbles in my life but nothing as bad as falling from the top bunk...I am certain that really hurt!

  3. You are right, it isn't the falling that hurts it is the impact. I ought to know as I have fallen quite a bit in my life. haha

    1. I think we all have fallen more than once. Blame it on gravity.

  4. I hate long falls because it gives me too much time to think about how much the stop is going to hurt.

  5. Im so careful not to fall...I still use a rolling walker inside to help.

    1. My wife has been using one of those since she broke her ankle and knee.

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  7. I hate falling in a place where there are others to see you flop. At least my last one was in my own house I flew through the air with all grace of the flying trapeze bit the trapeze was missing and so was the grace

    1. Sometimes it is better for someone else to be around when you go flop, just in case you hurt yourself badly.
