Thursday, August 17, 2017

Just a Little Bit of Info.

This is a post about just a little bit. . .  No, I didn't forget what I was going to say.  This posting is about the words "little bit".  By the way, we used to have a dog named Little Bit.

First, let's take the word "little".  We all know what that means.  Yep, small, not tall, younger sibling (little brother).  Or a short period of time (wait a little).  Not important (make little of).  Or a short distance (down the road a little).

OK, now for the word "bit".  According to the on line dictionary ( ) it can be " A small portion, degree, or amount"  Also, we all know that the coin, a quarter, is called two bits.  So one bit would have to be twelve and half cents, right?  There are bits and bytes in computers, I bit down on my sandwich yesterday, he put the bit in the horse's mouth, I only get bit parts, and yes, I am working on it bit by bit.  There are a lot more meanings and I am sure you know more than I have listed here.  Now, have a little bit of fun and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Barney, I always appreciate you adding your two bits worth. . .

  2. Sounds like my cooking ... a little bit of this and a little bit of that.

    1. I bet your cooking tastes great and isn't bland. I like dishes with a lot of different stuff in it.

  3. My basement has bits and pieces of everything in it.

    1. Don't have a basement here in East Texas, so the bits and pieces are scattered all over the house.
