Sunday, August 13, 2017

East Texas Weather.

The weather here in East Texas this time of year is hot and humid.  It is so hot. . . well just how hot is it?  Well you just can't take a leisurely walk.  Nope, if it is a short distance between air conditioning, you can run or walk real fast.  If it is a far piece, you better walk slow and pace yourself.  It is best to find some shade to walk in but that shade doesn't stop the humid heat.  Hey, they say humidity is great for one's complexions.  If that is so, we who live in this area must have perfect complexions.

Above, I said that you could run or walk real fast.  That works if it is only short distance between air-conditioned places like between your car and your home or between your car and an air-conditioned store.  Sometimes there are power outages when the demand for electric gets too high because of all the AC units running at full blast.  That is when I am real glad that I have an RV parked in the driveway with a diesel generator and two AC roof units.  That can always be used in an emergency.

As for now, I think that I will just sit here rocking, watching TV, and looking at interesting things on my laptop.  That is a good way of staying in the AC.  I sure do pity people who have to work outside.  Hope you all are staying cool and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Relatively nice here in North Alabama by Wheeler Lake. Just wondering if you still have a motorhome wasting away in your yard?

    1. Yep, it is still sitting there. Would you like to buy it?

  2. The AC is barely clicking on here in WV today. Still, it's muggy enough outside to be uncomfortable.

    1. West Virginia is beautiful state. Love the mountains. My cousin lives there. I used to live in western PA, not too far from there.

  3. I is difficult for me to recall what humidity is like, as I'm now in an arid climate and drying up like a prune!

  4. Always good to have a backup. Especially if it has a/c!

    1. Yes, it is a good thing. Let's hope I don't need to use it.

  5. I remember those days from when I lived in Pensacola, FL. At least you have an RV for backup. We just had to go down to the creek and go swimming. Here in WI we have been having high humidity at night, as everything is very damp in the morning but then the level drops during the day. However, it seems to rain at least 3 times every week.

    1. When I lived in Pennsylvania, we had a lot of fog. Now that dampens just about everything. It gets where rain drops can't.

  6. staying in and cool,, but hurry to another one when i have to....

  7. With us living in our Rv we don't need to worry about power outages at all. But here in southern Ontario most hot days are in the high 80's,not too bad at all. Keep cool there.

    1. Yep, not like it is here. The overnight low was 80 degrees and it is still very humid.
