Friday, August 11, 2017

My Jeep Attacked Me.

My Jeep attacked  me.  Well maybe that is a little too harsh a statement, since it was only the door that caused the trouble.  OK, the door had something to do with it but it wasn't the main culprit.  It was the window.  Maybe I should explain.  Actually, it was humorous and I did get a chuckle out of it.

Coming back from getting some supplies, I had both left and right windows down about an inch to help circulation.  It was really warm and I had the AC running at full blast.  As I pulled into my driveway, I hit the buttons to close the windows.  All well and good so far.  Got parked and turned off the engine.  I opened the door and it almost pulled my head off trying to scalp me.  Yep, my hair had blown out the slightly opened window and got caught in it when I shut the window.  When I flung the door open, my hair and head wanted to go with it.

Got the door shut and the window down.  Most of my hair came out of the window easily.  I don't have any bald spots so all is well that ends well, right?  Before I got out of the Jeep, I did have a good laugh.  Glad no one was looking (grin).  Now, keep your hair inside the vehicle that you are riding in and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Replies
    1. My wife has been telling me that for a long time. But you know what happened to Samson when he got a hair cut. . .

    2. LOL - Yeah, you don't wanna lose you're super-human strength!

  2. Replies
    1. Boy, it sure was Barney. But I lived through it.

  3. When's the last time you got your beard stuck in something?

  4. Don't you know that a lot of the older cars have shoulder restraint the newest ones now have Head and hair restraints
    you Just didn't unbuckle properly

  5. Sounds like a chuckle for sure, what no pictures?
    My long hair went away years ago, so I don't have that problem anymore.

    1. I didn't stop cutting my hair until I stopped working and that was at age 70. I am not planning on cutting it again.

  6. I'm glad it didn't rip any out. Sorry but having a hard time not giggling

  7. Go ahead and giggle, I sure did. . . but only after I got my head and hair back on straight.

  8. Not having any bald spots is a good thing, right?

    1. Sure is a good thing. I was almost afraid to look in a mirror.

  9. I got a big laugh out of your post today, although I'm laughing in solidarity. I got my hair cut really short because I was always either getting it caught or it was falling into something (not good when it messed up my ice cream!)

    1. Yep, sure don't want to mess up our ice cream.

  10. That one sure made me laugh. Glad you weren't hurt.
