Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Buckle Up

Do you buckle up when you first get into your vehicle?  I do.  If I don't, that annoying "ding ding ding ding" just will not stop.  My first couple of cars (a 1955 Desoto and a 1957 Chevy Convertible) didn't have seat belts.  Did I just give my age away?  How many of you remember cars without seat belts?

Seat belts for automobiles have been around for quite some time.  I wonder if they were used on a horse you were riding or on the saddle or maybe even in the buggy behind the horse?  Check this information that I found on the internet:

The first U.S. patent for automobile seat belts was issued to Edward J. Claghorn of New York, New York on February 10, 1885. Claghorn was granted United States Patent #312,085

That was before the Model-T Ford which was produced between 1908 and 1927.  The Model-A Ford was produced between 1927 thru 1931.  Now, why did the A come later than the T??  Maybe that could be the subject of another blog.  For now, you all drive safe in whatever you drive and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I definitely remember the time before seat belts, and it was a lot more comfortable. First were the lap belts, and then the things that harness you in. I always buckle up though.

    1. Yep, it was definitely much better for dating. . .

  2. I thought seat belts were such a good idea I added them to the family 54 plymouth sedan.

    1. They have saved a lot of lives along with air bags.

  3. The first car we had with seat belts was a 1963 Oldsmobile... I remember my parents forcing us to use them that summer. Today it's second nature,

    1. Yes it is second nature with me, too. I put the belts on before I even start the car, most of the time.

  4. I don't remember them in the '56 Dodge my folks had.

    1. I don't think that they came as standard equipment on that early of models.

  5. It's legal in NH not to wear your seat belt. Adults can make your their own choices. That being said, I wear mine. When I was a firefighter I never had to unbuckle a corpse.

    1. Seat belts have saved more lives than they have taken, for sure.

  6. Growing up there were no seat belts - just Dad reaching around across to hold you back. I also remember there not being children car seats when my son was little. When I think about that I get shivers down my spine. Of course I do believe there were fewer accidents back then - people seemed more attentive to their driving.

    1. No belts in my Dad's cars and none in my first few cars.
