Wednesday, August 2, 2017

I Didn't Forget, Really

No, I didn't forget, really.   I knew our wedding anniversary was August First.  I wouldn't ever forget that.  What I did forget was that yesterday was August first.  I thought that it was still July.  So last night when we went to bed, my wife mentioned that we had a nice anniversary.  Ooooops!!!

Yep, it was 53 years ago yesterday that we eloped.  At the time, we lived in Pennsylvania and most everyone that eloped went off to Maryland to get married.  Not us, we had to be different.  We went to New York and spent our wedding night in Ohio.  It wasn't a spur of the moment thing, it was well planned.  We had our blood tests taken, found a preacher in New York, and made the appointment.  We went home and waited for the day.

My friend agreed to be my best man and his girl friend would be the bride's maid.  The night before, my Dad, Mom, and Aunt (who was visiting) were sitting around the table talking and I asked them if they would like to attend a wedding the next day.  They asked who was getting married and they almost fell off their chairs when I said I was.  They agreed to go and not to tell anyone, so we had a few guests.  There were eight of us at our wedding, counting the preacher and my wife to be and myself.  We spent our wedding night in Ohio.  I remember that day very well even though it was 53 years ago.  I even remember that we had spaghetti for our first meal later that same day.  Now, try not to forget any important dates, at least the important ones to your spouse, and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I suggested we marry on Valentine's Day. I've never forgotten our anniversary, since the business world starts reminding me a month early!

    1. Valentine's Day is my birthday, so didn't want to do that.

  2. You guys are such a fine couple. Lots of good years together.

    1. Mostly, of course with all couples, there is always a rough time or two.

  3. You are too funny Dizzy! You are getting almost as forgetful as me. You have such a sweet wife. Not very many people can celebrate 53 consecutive years.

    1. Thank you Janet. I believe that a good sense of humor is a necessity in life, for sure.

  4. Happy Anniversary wow 53 years that's beautiful, wishing you many more

    1. Not sure if we can make another 53 years (grin).

  5. Happy Anniversary to you and your lovely wife. Hope she is getting better each day. Yes, a sense of humor is a necessity in life.

    1. She is improving. It takes time for bones to heal, especially in the ankle and the knee.

  6. Let me wish you a belated Happy Anniversary. You have a lovely wife and are very fortunate she didn't beat you up for forgetting it. Yes, getting the days wrong is as bad as forgetting it! 53 years is a real milestone!

    1. We don't celebrate holidays and such, so it wasn't a big thing. Would be nice if we could do another 53 years.

  7. I can't believe she put up with you for so long. Must be doing something right, I reckon!

  8. Happy Anniversary to both of you! I may be late, but the sentiments are heartfelt!

    1. It is never too late for good wishes from good friends.
