Monday, July 31, 2017

Lurch Was Born on this Date.

Yes, I watched The Adams Family and my favorite on that show was Lurch.  Do you remember him?  He was born on this date fairly close to where I was born and lived the first thirty some years of my life.  Yep, he was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  I used to live about thirty miles north of Pittsburgh on route 8 just south of Butler.

His real name was Ted Cassidy and he played the butler, Lurch:

I can remember him saying "You rang?" in that deep voice of his.  He passed away back in January of 1979 at a young age of only 46 after complications following open-heart surgery.

How many of you remember him now that you have seen his picture?  Let us know and as always, have a great day, you hear?


  1. I certainly do remember him and his signature line,
    "You rang?". He died too young.

    1. Yes he did die too young. I don't care if you are over a hundred when you die, you still died too young.

  2. I remember him and the show very well. I wonder why they don't do reruns. I have antenna TV and the Monsters are on in the afternoon still cracks me up.

    1. I like the old shows. Right now I am watching Gunsmoke from 1974.

  3. Yes remember him, one pdf my favourites shows.

    1. The old radio and the old TV shows are always an enjoyment to me.

  4. I sure do remember Lurch. He was one of my favorites on The Adams Family. Still watch that show today. Loved his deep voice. Thanks for the memories.

    1. So far, memories can be recalled. I really enjoyed most everything about the 1950's. They were my informative years, since I was born in early Feb. of 1943.

  5. Yep I remember Lurch. I enjoyed most everything about the 50's as well. Early October 1944 was my birth date.

    1. I was born on Valentine's Day in '43. So, I am only a year and a half older than you.
