Monday, August 28, 2017

Update on Harvey

They are now predicting a couple more days of heavy rain.  The weather man is predicting 8-12 inches of rain on top of the 10-20 inches that has already fallen.  The TV is now showing lots and lots of boats helping out with the rescues.  Rockport officials have told the people that if you were in an area that was told to evacuate and you decide to stay, please write your name and SS number on your arm so that it will make it easier to identify the bodies.  That is how bad the flooding is.

I would imagine that there is a lot of flooding in our area, too, since we are only about 30 miles north of Houston.  I decided to just stay home and watch it on TV.

Bu the way, Harvey is still bouncing off and on the land on the coast.  It doesn't seem to be able to make up its mind exactly where it wants to go.  Every time it bounces out to sea, it picks up new energy.  It will be the major weather maker for the next few days around here.  Now, you all have sunny day, if possible, you hear?


  1. Slight over cast all day and did not have to run the AC for even a minute all day. Light cool breeze down by the Tennessee River during my walk.

    1. Here, too. This storm sure did cool things off.

  2. Been watching on TV, so sad. If the rain was not bad enough, now with the release of water from the Addicks and Barker reservoirs even more subdivisions are being flooded.

    Stay dry and safe.

    1. No, it is far from over and in some places it will get worse.

  3. I am praying for all of you in the path of Harvey. It is so sad. Just stay safe.

    1. It is still raining here with gusty winds. The winds are not strong enough now to do much damage.
