Saturday, September 2, 2017

After The Storm

Oh what a beautiful day.  Harvey had come ashore near here and dumped tremendous amounts of water but it decided to move on.  Good riddance, but it did clear out the skies and we have had a beautiful sunshiny day with highs only about 88.  That is cool for this time of year here near the East Texas coast.

We went to Walmart to get some groceries and supplies yesterday.  The shelves were half empty.  I figured that before the storm, people made a rush trip there and cleared the shelves but overheard a clerk talking to someone and she said that the warehouse had flood waters all around it and couldn't ship out supplies.

I really don't have much more to say.  So if you want more, use your imagination (grin).  Now, have a great day, you hear?


  1. So glad to hear you are safe and sound and Harvey has moved on.

    1. Thank you, and I am glad it moved on, too, but hope it doesn't do any more damage.

  2. I too am glad you weathered the storm. I hope Texas stays quiet and out of the path of any more storms for a long time to come.

    1. There are a lot more hurricanes out there right now. Off the East coast, south of Florida, and one in the south western Gulf. Mother Nature is sure showing off her muscles.
