Monday, July 3, 2017

Things I See On Trees.

Yes, I know that it has been awhile since I last posted, so I got busy today and went outside and took a few pictures and decided to write a blog posting about them.  I took pictures of a few trees that I thought appeared to have pictures on their barks.  I could see these images on the bark of those trees. Maybe it is just me and my vivid imagination, so I want to show you these pictures  that I took and ask whether you see what I do or if you see something else or maybe nothing but bark.

OK, here are the pictures.  If you look at the white spot about a third of the way up the tree, it appears to me to be the head of a little grey man that just stepped out of a flying saucer.

OK, here is an enlarged view of that part.  Also, I see a deer outlined in the reddish lines.  OK, it could be a goat or a . . . .

And in the next one, the part I circled with an orange line, I see a pig:

Want a closer view?

Yep, it sure looks like a pig to me.

Now, in this last one, I can see two things.

On the left edge of the tree, I see the eyebrows, eyes, nose, and elongated chin of a man looking to the left.  Also, it the center in white, I see the face of a, ah ah ah, maybe a man, or an alien, or a skull.  Whatever it is, it is not the friendliest face I have aver seen:

And of course, an enlarged view:

Well, that is it for today.  I have showed you enough of my weird imagination.  Now, you all tell me what you see on those trees in the pictures I have posted and have have a great day, you hear?


  1. Yep your eyes are working well. Lots of things out in those woods eh.

    1. Sure are, Barney. And even things that go bump in the night, too.

  2. On the first photo the very top white spot I see a head turned to the right, I see your little man or what ever it is but I don't see a pig. before you in larged the picture it looked like the alien was holding a head with horns. I think we need a vacation or something hahah

    1. I have always had a very good imagination. It sure does spice up my life.

  3. I saw the pig and the man (in the last photo) but that was all. Guess you have a better imagination than I do or else my new glasses aren't good enough. Haha Happy Fourth of July

    1. Your eyes are just fine. It is my wild imagination that sees all those things.

  4. I often see strange things in the bark of trees, but they never show up the same in a photograph. It's kind of sad but we are left with all those memories and can't really share them as we saw them. They are ours only.

    1. You are so right. A lot of what I see on bark (and elsewhere) will not show up correctly, if at all, on a picture.

  5. i can sorta see them... but i got a call about 7;30 last nite,,,a man talking and me kinda knowing the voice, but when he said 'you dont know who this is, do ya?' it hit me,, yes i do,, youre my cousin larry russell! hahaha,, it was, and i hadnt talked to him in a few years either. hes my age, and in great health i guess, still has his harley, said it had 3 wheels now... lol. they live in Plainview tx... we really enjoyed our visit...

    1. That has happened to me, too many times lately.

  6. They both look like robots to me! lol
