Monday, June 19, 2017

A Surprise Phone Call

The phone rang last night and I rushed to get it before the answering machine took over.  Got there in time, and said "Hello".  I was thinking that it was someone calling to check on my wife and I was in the middle of a household chore or two or three.  I heard a female voice say hello, and I asked who was calling.  Since I was busy with something, I wasn't paying complete attention to the phone call and when she said her name the first part was muffled and all I heard was ??? Lynn.  Of course, I said "WOW", is this Loretta Lynn?

Guess what?  It wasn't, it was my cousin, Judy Lynn who I have not heard from in many, many years.  She was the youngest child of my Dad's oldest brother.  She is older than I am and her brother is fifteen years older than she is.  Gee, I wonder if she was a surprise baby?  She wanted to tell me that her brother had been in the hospital and is now home but isn't doing all that great.  Well, he is in his 90's and just because his Dad lived to be a hundred, I would guess that he has a good chance of hitting the century mark.  Yep my Dad's brother lived to be a hundred and my Dad died at 60, 40 years less than his brother.

Now, let's hope that you all inherited the longevity gene in your family and live long and well, you hear?


  1. Ditto Dizzy!
    My maternal grandparents are in their 90's, paternal not so lucky. My parents are in their 60's.

    1. I am already 74, so figure I beat the odds, so far.

    2. I am already 74, so I feel I have beat the odds. . . so far.

  2. Women in our family live a long time, usually into their 90s on both sides of the parenthood, so I guess I'll be around for a while. Right now Bubba Hermit Jim and I are both doing well, although he is my big brother at 6 years older than I. Always took care of me, though, as he does today!

    1. Since I was an only child, I had no brothers or sisters, but my cousins filled in the void. Sure did love to visit my cousins.

  3. What would you have said to Loretta Lynn?

    My maternal line lives well into their 90's (my grandma was hit by a car and killed when she was 97), but of all the long-lived women I am the only one who was a heavy smoker for quite a few years. I'm sure it takes its toll eventually.

    1. I would have said "Howdy, now sing me a song". When younger, I smoked and used Copenhagen. Now, I don't do either, but I sure do like to eat. I am 5'-11" and only weight 169, so I don't believe I am over-weight.

  4. Ya never know do we?
    So far I have almost outlived my father and grandfather, less then a year and I will have by based them, right now 68 seems amazing to me and feel like a teenager (in my head, body just looks old)

    1. I am 74 and still think young, but sometimes my body reminds me that I ain't young anymore.

  5. On my dad's side there is long years dad was 92 and he just got tired. They're are still 2 sisters and on is in her 90's the other is 89, one lived to be 97 and I said it was her meaness that kept her going. So I decided to practice being mean.
    I love your Loretta Lynn call. Never come away from your blog with out a chuckle

    1. Sure glad I could put a smile on your face and a chuckle in your heart. That is my goal in life, to make everyone smile.

  6. On my mother's side the women seem to die in their early 80's. Both my parents were 83 when they passed away. Since I seem to be following in my mother and grandmother's footsteps I probably will also die in my early 80's . Since I turn 70 next month I figure I have about 10 years to live it up. What a shame it wasn't Loretta Lynn on the phone - what a thrill that would have been.

    1. I hope you can go on living as long as you are happy. If the phone call had been from Loretta Lynn, the shock could have killed me . . (grin).
