Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Need to Update Blog.

I have been real busy, but am taking a little time to update my blog and surf the internet.  My wife is recuperating but it will take some time for her broken ankle and broken knee to heel.  In the mean time, I am chief cook and bottle washer, nurse, and fixer of all household problems.  Quite a burden, I would say.

Our male dog rarely leaves her side, only to go out a couple of times a day and to eat.  Other than that, he lays right beside her.  Dogs always seem to know when something isn't right with the humans that they love.  The two female dogs know something isn't right, also, but I have been keeping them in the other part of the house.  Three dogs would be a little too much to have in bed with her, and the girls would probably be fidgety.  You know, two is company and three or more is a crowd, and our male dog said he is the only one allowed to stay with her.  Of course, he is nice enough to let me sleep in our bed at night.

It just takes a lot of time for bones to heal.  The good news is she says that it doesn't hurt near as bad as it did, but still is quite painful.  I will try to keep you informed, now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Thanks for your post. It's scary to think how a person can be fine and coming into the house one minute, and flat on her back for weeks afterward. I think I would go stir crazy, and my hat's off to your wife for dealing with it so well. Now you take good care of everything, you hear?

  2. So glad to hear she is feeling better.

    1. Better is a relative term, but any improvement is a blessing.

  3. We wish your wife a Speedy recovery, hope everyday is better. How do the dogs like your cooking?

    1. I will tell her your wish. My dogs watch very, very closely when I am cooking them their dinner to make sure I do it right. If I try to sneak a bite for myself they, they are quick to tell me not to.

  4. Glad to hear that the wife is getting better and is well taken care of by you. Being guarded by the pup is a plus as well!

    1. Believe it or not, I even got all the dishes washed and put away last night.

  5. Thanks for the update. Being laid up like that is no fun. Love that the dog stays by her side. Mine doesn't seem to get that he thinks I should be playing with him and his millions of toys. Keep up the good work and try and grab a rest every once in a while.

    1. The two girl pups don't seem that attached to her, unless it is meal time.

  6. It is amazing how involved our dogs are in our lives, always for the better:)

  7. Nice that you wife is recovering and that you and the dogs are there to care of her.

    1. If I were not around, she would have had to go into a nursing home or something.

  8. Thanks for the update. Glad she is feeling a little less pain. Unfortunately, healing at our age isn't as fast as it used to be. She is very lucky you are such a big help to her. Give her "buddy" an extra MilkBone biscuit for keeping her company.
