Friday, July 7, 2017

What is Most Abundant?

What is most abundant in our Universe?  Can it be stars, or planets, or dust, or asteroids, or cosmic rays, or. . . .?  Come on, give me your best guess and write It in the comments.

If you have been reading my blog for any length of time, you know that I love astronomy.  I have several telescopes, the biggest one is taller than I am and has two foot diameter tube.  The primary mirror is 16" and about 4 inches thick and weighs quite a bit.  On a clear, dark night I can see millions of other suns (stars) and I would not be surprised if quite a few of them could sustain life.  Some of them could even have intelligent life living on them.

My Bible tells me that God created the heavens and the earth and all that there is.  So, why would He only put life on this planet?  Yes, this planet was and is (so far) a life bearing world.  Just look at the diversity of life on this planet and then wonder what life on other ecosystems would be like.

OK, now I will answer my question, "What is Most Abundant" in this universe.  The answer is NOTHING!!  Emptiness is the most abundant.  That is why they call it "space".  It is empty space, and a lot of it.  Some of that empty space seems to creep into my brain and into a few other peoples' brains that I know.  Of course, all of you who read my blog postings have a head full of brains, right?  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. That's the most abundant thing I have too!

    1. When you have nothing, you have nothing to lose.

  2. On the vast other side of the nothing that is space, I believe that there are life forms wondering what is on the vast other side of the nothing that is space.


    1. Yes, there could be many life forms on many planets but most are so far away that we may never know. Although we may pick up some radio transmissions from other galaxies but they may have been traveling for many eons.

  3. Probably idiots. Just earth alone has way more than it'
    s share.

  4. I was going to say stars, but you are right. There is more "space" than anything. Now empty space in my brain is something that I seem to have more of these days. Since I have a continuous "drippy " nose Feel that all that "snot" is my brains leaking out. haha

    1. Dang, I never thought about that. I will have to take a closer look the next time I blow my nose. . .

  5. Do you think that nothing may really have things so tiny we can't see them so we are really looking at a lot of nothing filled with something? Oh well -- as Rosanne Roseannadanna used to say, "Never Mind."

    1. Yes, I have thought of that. Nothing is impossible and a lot of the times true things are stranger than fiction.
