Friday, July 21, 2017

A 48 Year Old Foot Print.

Forty-eight years ago this footprint made world wide news:

Why?  Well because it was the first footprint man had made on the moon.  Yep, it was made by Neil Armstrong and it was made forty-eight years ago today.  No, they didn't land on the moon 48 years ago today.  They landed on the moon July 20, 1969 but Neil didn't take his historic walk until the next day.  Here is another picture I found on the internet:

I sure do remember that day.  We were all glued to the TV watching history happen high above us.  How many of you remember that day?

I can also remember what he said when he stepped off the landing craft onto the moon.  I am sure you all remember what he said, also, so I will not have to post it here.  Now, you all have a great day and keep your feet well planted on good ole Mother Earth, you hear?


  1. I too remember that as well, such a historic even. Thanks for the flashback.

    1. Since the moon has no atmosphere, there is no weather or wind to erase footprints. Yep, that foot print will be there for a long, long time, until a meteorite hits it.

  2. Replies
    1. It sure was. The distances between stars, and even planets, are so great that it takes more provisions and life support to get an astronaut to his destination than to let him explore part of it. That is one reason why unmanned robotics are used, with quite a lot of success.

  3. 48 years ago...

    From JFK announcing we'd put a man on the moon to accomplishing this & abandoning the moon was 11 years.

    We've spent more time & money in Afghanistan than we did the moon.

    Today if an American wants to go into space they have to buy a ticket from the Russians.

    Sad sad sad

    1. Yes it is. America the great is starting to loose some of its greatness.

  4. I will never forget that day nor will I ever forget where I was. Very historic

    1. Neither will I nor should it ever be forgotten or belittled.

  5. I remember that event. Today, I think too much money is spent on looking for life on other planets, planets for us to colonize, etc. I think we should be more worried about extricating ourselves from the senseless wars that cost us trillions of dollars, and try to repair some of the damage we've done to our own planet.

    1. Yes, that is logical but humans have always wanted to explore more and more places.
