Monday, July 24, 2017

1, 2, 3, and 4.

OK, maybe this will work.  I have told you before that I have had trouble with the squirrels emptying my bird feeder very, very quickly.  I was told to put a one gallon plastic bottle on the post to the feeder.  I tried that.  I cut an X in the center of the bottom of the plastic bottle and then slit it from the center of the bottom up the side and out the opening at the top.  I then pulled the jug apart far enough to slip it on the post.  That worked all of an half an hour.  They figured out that they could jump over it.

OK, I figured I would fix them.  I put two bottles on it.  The squirrels would jump up above the top one and ride it down so that both jugs were at the bottom.  I kept adding plastic jugs until I got to four of them.  So far, that seemed to work.  But!!!  Last night the feeder was completely empty (it usually lasts for five to seven days and those pesky squirrels emptied it in less than a day!!  They somehow had removed a couple of the jugs.  I just replaced the jugs and this is what it looks like:

I guess I will have to go out and wrap all the jugs with duct tape.  Do you think that will stop those little thieves?  Remember, I have even tickled their behinds with my BB gun, and that didn't stop them from coming right back.  Now, keep your bird feeders full and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I don't know Dizzy those little critters are just to smart good luck

    1. I did wrap the jugs with duct tape, and so far, so good.

  2. Pesky squirrels... might do it.. Just a thought

    1. My son has one of those or one that looks similar, but that would kill them and I don't want to do that. Maybe this Fall when the weather turns cooler, I could make a couple of squirrel dinners for myself. . . Yum, Yum.

  3. Turn the jugs right-side up, maybe?

    1. Maybe, but I just wrapped them with duct tape so I will wait and see if that works. Thanks Gorges.

  4. You can try just about anything but the squirrels will always win in the end. I don't think I could really shoot one, but wouldn't cry over it if someone else did. I can't stand those pesky creatures.

    1. I think I beat them with the four jugs on the pole. At least, so far, they have not figured out how to get up there. I do put bird feed on the ground for them, so I don't know why they insist on getting on the bird feeder.

  5. This worked for me;make a mixture of vegetable shortening like Crisco, pastry flour &lots of Tabasco sauce. Cover the roof of the bird feeder with the mixture.

    1. They don't get on the roof of the feeder, just climb up the pole and jump over to it. I had tried greasing the pole, but it only takes them a couple of tries to get it wiped off.

  6. We have a bunch of white wing doves that swarm in and although they barely fit on most feeders (5 feeders and 2 hummingbird feeders). They can clean out feeders in half a day. We have a painted hunting that shows up a couple times a day. Those are pretty rare around here.

    1. I put bird feed on the ground, too, and the doves prefer to eat it there on the ground. They have not been a problem at all.

  7. Between my squirrel baffle (kind of looks like an upside down dish pan) and moving my patio table far away from the feeder, I have managed to keep those pesky buggers at bay. Good luck with the four bottles and duct tape.

    1. Now that I have them duct taped, it seems to be working.

  8. vaseline on the post does wonders and it's funny to watch them try

  9. I tried that one time but it only took a couple of squirrels to try to climb it and they wipe it off so the rest of them can get up.
