Thursday, July 27, 2017

When In Rome. . .

You know the old saying, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do".  OK, instead of using Arabic numbers, what if we had to use Roman numerals?  How many of them do you know?  How high can you count with them?  Let me simplify this question and ask what is the Roman numeral for one million?

OK, how many of you knew it without looking it up?  We don't use them very often except for dates used in the credits of movies and TV shows.   OK, there is no reason to turn this into a long, drawn out blog posting so here is the answer.  If you draw a line over a Roman numeral, it means to multiply it by one thousand.  So if "M" is 1000 than an M with a line over it means to multiply it by 1000 which will give you one million.  There, now you know, so have a great day, you hear?


  1. Replies
    1. I didn't know about the line above the "M". I learn a lot of things researching for blog postings.

  2. Whoever came up with the concept of zero in the number system did a good job!

    1. The only bad things about zero is when the temperature hits zero, you have zero money, or zero ideas for blogs (grin).

  3. I can read roman numerals pretty well, but I never thought about 1Million! I learn something new every day!

    1. It is always good to learn new things every day. Keep it up.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks Dizzy. I didn't know that. It is sure easier than writing all those zeroes.

    1. Yes, but it would be nice to get a check with that many zeroes wouldn't it?

  6. I can usually read Roman Numerals but had no idea about one million. Thanks for the info, sure makes things easier that way. Have a great weekend.

    1. I didn't know that either but was curious about how high Roman Numerals went. That question came to me as I was trying to go to sleep the night before.
