Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Another Intruder.

I get frustrated with all the squirrels that eat ninety percent of the birds' feed.  So I thought that I would give them a scare by running very quickly outside and chasing them out of the dogs' fenced in yard where the bird feeder is located.  Yep, they sure did run and while I was standing there feeling like I accomplished something, I looked down and saw that I was standing right beside a copperhead snake.  Yes, it was beautiful but I do prefer not to be surprised by one.
I don't know why he didn't strike at me, but he just laid there looking at me, as if to say, "what the heck do you think you are doing".  I would have stomped on his head, but I was wearing those flimsy Crocks on my feet and they don't give very mush protections against anything, especially a snake.

I quietly walked away, went and got my shovel which I planned to use to decapitate that guy.  The shovel was just inside my screened in porch and it only took a few seconds to get it and get back to the snakes location, but as you probably guessed, it was gone by then.

Do you remember my past posting of the copperhead in my shed?  I got a good picture of that one.  Here is a link to that post LINK.  The dogs and I were very lucky that the snake was quite docile.  Now watch where you step and have a great evening, you hear?


  1. I don't do snakes well. I am ever looking around when in my yard as they blend in with this landscape quite well. Unless they are one of those white and black ones. Be careful out there.
    Hope your wife is doing much better these days

    1. I like snakes, even had a pet one when I was in college. Wife is about the same, but getting very anxious to be up and around like she used to.

  2. Get you a good Gamo pellet rifle with a cheap scope for those squirrels. And moth balls scattered around will make snakes move elsewhere.

    1. My son has a pellet rifle, but it would kill the squirrels. He got me a Daisy BB gun, and I tickle their behinds with it and they run away, only to return when they think the coast is clear.

  3. I am very happy to leave the poisonous snakes down south; thank you very much. Glad you didn't get bit.

    1. Down here it is best to assume that any snake is poisonous until accurately identified.

  4. That sounds very scary - both you flailing your arms at the squirrel (hahaha) and almost stepping on the snake. A pellet gun should work just fine to keep the squirrels away. Hope your wife is doing better.

    1. As I said above, I use a low powered BB gun to get them off the feeder and running out of the yard. I have fun and it only hurts their pride.

  5. Oh my goodness Dizzy, I am so glad you did not get bit! Maybe the heat made the snake lethargic. Please be careful, imagine if something happened to you who would take care of you and your wife.

    Bigfoot is right, snakes do not like the smell of mothballs. I scatter them all over my campsite when I am in Terlingua.

    1. The only excitement I get anymore is chasing the snakes. I think for now, I will live and let live. And yes, I am glad I didn't get bit but I didn't provoke the creature.

  6. I used to be afraid of snakes, especially copperheads. When I lived in NC I learned to just give them leeway and they never worried me. I had one made a home in one of my flower beds, so I just let him (or her) take over. I always wished I had a gun to aim at the squirrels though. I can't stand those pesky creatures.

    1. If you are like me and don't want to hurt them but just chase them, then go to Walmart and by a cheap BB gun and use that. It makes them run but doesn't do any damage. And there is now loud bang to upset the neighbors.
