Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Space Stuff, Q thru Z.

This is the last of my alphabetical listing of space stuff.  Q through Z will be the last of this series.

"Q" is for Quasar.  A quasar is short for quasi-stellar object.  Now, I suppose you will want to know what that is.  OK, in most young galaxies there is a highly energetic core that may be powered by a huge black hole.  These objects emit exceptionally large amounts of energy.

"R" is for Regolith.  Regolith refers to that powdery stuff that covers the surface of celestial bodies like here on earth, and the moon, asteroids, and lots of others.  Here on earth we call it soil or dirt.

"S" is for Singularity.  Singularity is an area wherein space and time  are infinitely distorted.  That would be a very, very strange place to be, if you could survive being there.

"T" is for Type II Supernova.  It is the explosion of a massive star that occurs when its core runs out of fuel.  These explosions leave behind a neutron star or a black star.

"U" just has to be for Universe, which is all that exists. . . maybe.

"V" is for the Van Allen radiation belt.  The magnetic field of the earth traps protons, Ions, and electrons.  These particles form a protective layer and that layer is called the Van Allen radiation belt.

"W" is for White Dwarf.  A white dwarf is the dense remains of an intermediate mass star like the sun that has collapsed and is the same size as earth.  As sun like stars burn off most of their fuel supply, they don't have enough eternal pressure to offset its gravity and they collapse and explode.

"X" is for X-ray.  We all know what X-rays are but do you know what an X ray star is?  It is a bright object emitting x-rays as a primary component of its radiation.

"Y" is for yellow dwarf.  A yellow dwarf is a star at its stable point in its transformation.  Ordinary stars, including our sun are yellow dwarfs.

"Z" is for zodiac.  The zodiac is an imaginary belt across the sky. Some people believe that which ever zodiac sign you were born under affects their lives.

OK folks, that finishes up my space alphabet.  Wasn't sure that this old man was able to finish that long list, but I did.  Now, some of you may think I am slowing up, but that is not all true.  Yes, I am at the age where I walk slow but drive fast.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I appreciate your comprehensive list of space stuff. The one that completely turns me off because the term is bandied about so much is "Singularity". I think someone should have come up with a better word.

    Now as for Zodiac, I can definitely tell you that I am under the influence of Scorpio and Gemini, and anyone who knows me well can attest to that.

    "Walk slow but drive fast". I like that. In fact I'm going to use it and claim it as my own!!!

    1. I guess I could start calling the Singularity, a crazy, impossible place that I do not ever want to visit.

  2. Loved this "alphabet space stuff". I found it all very interesting and informative. I have fallen into the "walk slow, drive slow" category. Thanks for the science lesson.

    1. I had fun doing it. Science and astronomy are my favorite subjects.

  3. I enjoyed the lesson. The more we can learn, the better off we are. I appreciate you sharing this with us, buddy!

    1. Yes Hermit, you are right that the more we learn the better off we are. I was one of those odd kids that loved school.

  4. After we retired in Texas and moved up to native territory here in Oklahoma, I realized my "Indian" name is "Sitting Duck." I can go fast in a car (while sitting of course).

    1. I hope that name means a duck sitting down instead of the other meaning of sitting duck.

  5. Thanks for this Dizzy. I am just finishing Mike Brown's book, "How I Killed Pluto and Why It Had It Coming" and an experiencing a re-found interest in astronomy.
