Monday, February 27, 2017


Do I procrastinate?  Well, let's see.  The last time I posted my "daily blog" was 5 days ago.  I was meaning to post one every day, but I put it off for a day, then another day, then another day. . .  OK, don't rush me, I am going to do it right now.  (It would be fitting if I waited another few days to continue this post, wouldn't it?  But I will not, so here goes.)

I will start with an old proverb: "If and When were planted, and Nothing grew."

I liked that one but here are a bunch more:

"The sooner I fall behind, the more time I have to catch up."

"One of the greatest labor-saving inventions of today is tomorrow."
                                                           ~Vincent T. Foss

"He who hesitates is last."
                                                           ~Mae West

"When there is a hill to climb, don’t think that waiting will make it smaller."                                              ~Anonymous

"If it weren't for the last minute, I wouldn't get anything done."

"Procrastination always gives you something to look forward to."                                                       ~Joan Konner

"Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow."                                           ~Mark Twain

“Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week.”   
                                                              ~Spanish Proverb

I will stop with this great quote from Homer Simpson, "If something's hard to do, then what's the point?!"

I sure hope you enjoyed the above quotes.  I found them HERE,  so go take a look for yourself, but I used most of them on this blog posting.  Now, enjoy life, laugh often, and smile most of the time. . . then everyone will think you are crazy and will leave you alone.  Have a great day, you hear?



  1. Nice to see you back to your "daily blog"

    1. Thank you, I will try to post another daily comment someday. . .

  2. I liked all the quotes, and found myself in most of them!

    1. You are right, a lot of them hit home for me, too.

  3. I was going to read the blog but I decided I'd put it off till later... maybe tomorrow...

    1. Yes, but when tomorrow comes the next day will be tomorrow.

  4. Replies
    1. You can't say that about most of my blog postings. . . but thanks anyway. Always look forward to your comments.

  5. I was going to read your post but I'll do it tomorrow.
    Just kidding, I read it all! I call mine a weekly blog, if I get 2 posts up a week, it's out of the ordinary.

    1. I enjoyed your pictures of the wooden trestle bridge. I remember a lot of them from years gone by when I lived in Pennsylvania.

  6. Hey, I thought I was the queen of procrastination!

    Loved the quotes, I just may borrow some :)

    1. You sure can be if you want to be. Me, I am the king (grin).

  7. Procrastination is my middle name. Love this post as most of the sayings I can relate to. Thanks.

    1. I see you procrastinated long enough to be the last commenter on my blog (grin). Yep, I can relate to them, also.
