Tuesday, February 21, 2017

"I" through "P" Space Objects.

Linda M said she couldn't wait to see what I did with the rest of the alphabet.  Well Linda, you need not wait any longer.  Since I left off at the letter "H" so today I will continue yesterdays posting by starting with the letter "I".

"I" is for interplanetary, interstellar, or intergalactic.  The inter part of the word means "the space between" and the last part of the word is for either planets, stars, and galaxies.

"J" is for jet and Jovian planet.  A jet is narrow stream of ejected stuff from an accretion disk.  Usually found coming from stars or black holes.  A Jovian planet is one that is Jupiter like.

"K" is for Kuiper Belt, which is a region of the outer solar system where there are millions of small icy bodies which Pluto is the largest known.

"L" can be for a lot of things like latitude, light pollution, and libration, which are the small oscillations in the moon's motion that allows us to see more than just half of the moon.

"M" is for the magnetosphere, an area around a planet where the magnetic field traps charged particles.

"N" is for neutron star, a collapsed, extraordinarily dense city sized remnant of a collapsed star.

"O" is for obliquity which is the angle between the plane of the earth's orbit and that of earth's equator, which is 23 degrees 27 minutes.

"P" is for perigee, the location of a satellite's orbit when it is closest to earth.

Credit for the above must go to planetfacts.org/space-terms

That is enough for today isn't Linda M.?  Maybe I can finish the alphabet in tomorrow's post if nothing more important doesn't pop up.  Now don't get too spaced out but have a great day, you hear?


  1. I think I read today that NASA wants to reinstate Pluto as a planet, but along with a bunch of other bodies in that area of the skies - Gannymede comes to mind. I'd say just get Pluto back where it should have always been, and add another one or two, but there shouldn't be so many that people can't remember all the names or what order they are in.

    I don't understand much of it, but I really like astronomy and love to read facts about our solar system.

    1. There is a lot of icy bodies in orbit around our sun way out there and Pluto is one of them.

  2. Thank you Dizzy-Dick. I find these facts very interesting.

    1. You are welcome linda m. I find them very interesting, too.
