Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Warmer Than Normal.

January is supposed to be in the midst of winter, even here in Texas, but it sure doesn't feel like winter.  It has been warm and is supposed to get warmer.  All this heat moved in just after we had, what the news called, a hard freeze.  In fact, the temperature is supposed to climb all day today until it hits eighty degrees and stay warm all week!!  Now that is just about right.  Don't have to run either the furnace nor the air-conditioning.  Going to be a cheap week, utility wise, since my furnace is electric, too.

This has been perfect weather to get some use out of our new magnetic screen door.  We installed it on our sliding doors and since then, temperature permitting, we can leave the door open and the pups can go out and come in anytime they want too.  I found some pictures on the internet of some similar ones:

Ours was installed by placing thick double sided tape on the door frame and then pressing the edges of the screen to the tape.  Works great for us and our three Shih Tzu pups, that is, when the temperatures are not too high or too low.  Otherwise we have to open and close the sliding doors for them to get out and come back in.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I just went from -11 to 42 above. Big change, but easier to heat.

  2. I think if I had a house, and a dog, I would get one of those heavy plastic flexible doggie doors to the patio. I like the magnetized screen door you showed, but I had a magnetized screen door - just one door and one panel, and it didn't stay put very well.

    1. The one I have stays shut, no trouble, but it does come loose from the wall. Those sticky tags they use could be better. I guess I could use screws to hold it on.

  3. I do not like cold weather and I find these temperatures in the mid 70's to 80's absolutely wonderful.

    I had one of those doors but it did not work out very well for me.

    1. The only thing that could be better would be if it opened up at the top more. I have to duck down to get in or reform my head into a cone. Remember the Cone Heads on Saturday Night Live.

  4. Wish it would warm up here. We had one day where the temps went up to 40 so most of the snow melted. Then they dropped right back down. Now we just keep getting freezing rain as the temp hangs out right about 32 degrees. Sure makes it hard for me to go outside. Love you magnetic screen door.

    1. Maybe you could move south for the winter, like some birds do.

  5. Like your pup door. Ive seen those in catalogs.

  6. Trouble, so far so good. Seems to be working and the pups seem to be learning that they now can go out and come back in when ever they want to.
