Sunday, January 8, 2017

Seeing Faces in Things.

Ever since I was a kid, I always looked for faces in things.  Yes, I look for other things, also, but faces are my favorite to find.  Maybe you don't know what I mean.  Let me see if I can find a couple of pictures that I have taken in the past, some of which I have posted on my blog before.

OK, I found a couple.  This first one was of a fungus that was growing along my driveway.

Let me enlarge it some.  Look at the left side of the center blob.   That looks like face to me.

Let me show you the part that looks like a face to me.  I can see a protruding forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, mouth, and chin.  Can you see them, too, or is it just me???

OK, let me try another one.  I have previously posted this picture on my blog.  It was of a wild mushroom which came up in one of my wife's potted plants.

OK, now enlarged some.  I see a face of what looks to me like a cat.  It is near the top of the mushroom.

OK, I will enlarge it a bit more.  Now can you see the cat?

Now, I hope you don't think I am not right in the head because I see faces in things.  I just wanted to show you them to verify that you can see them, too.  OK Barney, don't you dare say you can't see them because you are the sane one (grin).  Now, lets all start seeing faces in things and have a great day, you hear?


  1. The first one looks like a poodle face to me. The second one has a kitten face for sure. I am still the sane one.

  2. I could see the face in the 3rd picture. Never did see the cat in the mushroom though!

    1. I didn't see it at first, but once you see it, it is easier to find again.

  3. Yes, they are all there. My father used to see lots of faces in wood grain cabinets and furniture, paneling, etc.

  4. Replies
    1. Yep, me too. Maybe I am going through my second childhood.

  5. I love looking at things, especially clouds, and seeing faces and objects in them.

  6. Yeah, Linda, I love looking at clouds, but I see faces mostly in wooden doors. I like to think it's a kindly spirit watching over us, but if it's a face in the bathroom door, I kinda don't want it watching me shower. Know what I mean?

    1. I saw a movie about faces in walls. It was supposed to be scary but I found it funny.

    2. When I lived in Ireland I could see the wall two bedrooms down from mine, and there was as plain as day a face of a really old woman. It scared me at first but then I decided to make friends with her, and always told her goodnight when I went to bed. I had no fear after that

    3. How many of those mushrooms did you eat?

  7. Apparently our brains are wired to see faces. Probably a survival trait to spot things hinding in the forest.

    1. You mean like that Indian hiding behind that tree? You know, you have a good theory there.

  8. On our trips as kids, we did that with the clouds. With mine, we played the alphabet game, finding things in order, starting with the A. Describing vehicles to the very young ones, I always used the color first, so they learned those like that.
