Friday, January 6, 2017

Five Squirrels.

Five squirrels is how many are feeding on the bird seed I put out for the birds this morning.  I think they are starting to learn that I don't bother them when they eat the bird seed on the ground.  Yes, I put plenty of it on the ground for them.  They have to learn, however, that they are not allowed up on the bird feeder.  Some of them are slow learners and I have to tickle their behinds with my low powered BB-gun that my son gave me as a gift just for that purpose.  It doesn't hurt them at all, but just lets them know that they are doing something I don't want them to do and that I CAN reach out and touch them.

Before I went out and chased the one off the bird feeder, I took a picture out the window.  Sorry the pictures are not real clear.  The window I took the pictures out of has screen on the outside which blurs the picture and of course, it is a dreary, misty, cold day here today.  Right now it is 32 degrees and is not supposed to warm up any further today.  The news is predicting sleet and freezing rain. 

And oh yes, the birds come to the feed, also.  I just now went and looked and there was only one squirrel there, but there were 18 birds with more coming all the time.  Yep, those birds were coming and going so fast that it was hard to get an accurate count, but of course I did (grin).

We don't usually get a lot of freezing weather in this area of Texas, but when we do, it is big news and if it snows, it makes the headlines.  I have lived here since the mid 1980's and have only seen snow a few times.  One of those times was when we had the RV parked at Galveston Island State Park over the Christmas holidays back a few years ago.  I believe that this picture was taken on Christmas day.

Yes, that has been awhile ago.  It was back when I had the travel trailer and Ford pick-up.  That trailer got a lot of use and got to park in many states.  It was traded in and replaced with a class-C motorhome which was later upgraded to the diesel pusher I have now.  I am just going to hope that snow here in Texas is just a memory.  Now, you all stay warm and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I like the way you said "tickle their behinds " that's funny

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yes, they are still laughing but the birds are laughing harder at the squirrels. . .

  2. Yup... TRAINING SQUIRRELS.... you are retired. tee hee heeeeee

    1. Yep, I am retired. Been retired since I turned 70. Dang, that was three years ago. Boy does time go fast when you are retired.

  3. Gotta keep training those critters. Maybe someday they will learn!

    1. Or some day they will all get together and gang up on me (grin).
