Friday, January 13, 2017

Acoustic Kitty

I found an interesting story on the internet.  It was called, "Acoustic Kitty" and after a brief explanation, you will understand why it was called that name.

Back during the "Cold War" days, a lot of strange things were tried  by all parties involved.  So, I guess we shouldn't be surprised that back in 1967, the CIA spent millions of dollars to try and train house cats to spy on the Soviet Union.  How was this done?  Well, the CIA implanted electronic spying equipment into live cats and then trained them to get close to the unsuspecting targets.

Now I have owned a few cats in the past. . . wait, you don't own a cat, they own you.  OK, I had cats that lived with us and we fed them, but we never really "owned" them.  I guess we could say that they owned us and we were their servants and if we took really good care of them, they would let us pet them.  Here is a link to the sight, if you want to read it yourself:
This is to the webpage but not to the specific information.  You will have to scan through it to find the link.  BTW, it is the 15th page that tells about it.

Here is the CIA memorandum: 

It is amazing what we humans can think up just to get the better of another group.  Now, pet the kitty and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I can't believe the govt. would waste money (oh wait, that's what they do) on trying to train a cat. I think dogs would be definitely more reliable. But at any rate, why in the world do we have to spy on anybody, and I wonder how many Americans are willing to go to the last measure to remain the most powerful nation on earth. I can think of a lot better ways to live.

    1. If the USA doesn't stay strong, there are a lot of counties just waiting for the opportunity to take us down.

  2. Ive always had cats, but NEVER could believe they could be trained! Seen them do things by trainers, unreal.

    1. When I had cats, like I said, they trained me.

  3. So how in the world did the CIA ever think they could train a cat? Cats are a breed all unto themselves - they are the master and we are the slave. Another good example of government waste.

    1. Now didn't you know that the CIA can do miracles?? (grin)
