Friday, December 9, 2016

Mysteries in the Night Sky

On a clear night when I look up at the sky, I am in awe.  I know that there is so much out there that I will never see and so much more that are a mystery to me.  Today I am going to post pictures of some of those mysteries.

For the life of me, I can't even wager a guess to what these spirals are that appeared over Norway.  Maybe you can explain it to me:

And this cloud formation in the evening sky. What do you think, is it really a cloud formation or is it a portal into another dimension?  What in nature, other than a volcano could, could possibly cause this formation?  Maybe a supper updraft?

I have seen contrails caused by jet planes and know that meteors can also leave trails, but meteors come into the atmosphere in a straight line and jets, especially jet fighters are very maneuverable, but definitely not this maneuverable:

This last picture is not in our atmosphere, but is a picture of deep space.  But to me it looks like the head of Abraham Lincoln.  What do you think?

I found these pictures very interesting and I hope you did, too.  Now, have a great day, you hear?


  1. That swirling photo, reminds me of the exhaust I saw out of a turbine engine just starting. The air/fuel mixture was out the tail pipe when the fire caught up with it and as it burned in a swirling motion it looked like that.
    Kind of an amazing thing to see I thought.

    1. Yes, that would be amazing to see.

    2. Maybe that sky pict is what's left when "they" zoom off to where ever t"they" come from?

    3. That could very well be, Rob. Maybe a doorway to a wormhole??

  2. I think if I stood under the formation shown in your 2nd picture I would click my heels together 3 times and say "I want to go home". Think it would work? And yes, I do see Abe Lincoln in your last photo.

    1. I would be careful clicking my heels together while standing under that hole in the sky (grin). Glad you could see Abe, that means I am not alone.

  3. Very strange sightings in the sky. They could be just about anything. Signs i do believe there is life elsewhere in this Universe I won't rule them out. The last photo sure does look like Abe.

    1. Yes, it is hard to believe that Earth is the only planet that harbors life. There has to more somewhere.

  4. Replies
    1. Glad you thought so. Thanks for stopping by, Trouble.
