Saturday, December 10, 2016


Parrots are beautiful birds found in the tropics.  This first picture shows one supposedly in its native wild habitat.  Ain't he (or she) beautiful?

 Here is a close up of a parrot's head:

 We were at the flea market this morning and on the way home, my wife spotted a yard sale, so of course we had to stop.  She found this parrot.  No, it ain't real but it does wiggle its wings, move its head and beak, and talk to you.
I guess when you get tired of it, all you have to do is turn the switch to "off" and it will shut up.  You could also take the batteries out of it.  You don't even need to feed it, unless you count adding new batteries.  It does, however, say it is hungry.  He (or she) is sitting to the right of the TV where I can keep a watch on him, or visa versa.  Right now, as I type, he has his eye on me.  Now, I wonder if the pups will accept him and get along with him.  OK, you have yourselves a great day, you hear?


  1. Years ago I had an African Grey parrot which was an amazing experience. We had to sell her to a breeder because we discovered my husband was allergic to bird dander. The flea market parrot is beautiful and more sanitary to keep.

    1. Had parakeets a long time ago. No birds now. Just feed the wild birds and they come by the dozens.

    2. My boys talked me into letting them bring home a baby owl,,,didn't know that baby was a foot tall, was a great horned owl. Yep, very very fascinating, raising it. My son had to hunt every day to feed it, they are meat eaters. Like i said, of all the things we raised, that was probably the most unusual.

    3. When I lived in PA, I had an owl come down my chimney over night. It was sitting on the back of the loveseat that morning. It was a funny story.

  2. It looks very tall. A blue and gold Macaw and they can really talk up a storm. African Greys are amazing talkers too. I owned birds for many years; never again ...nor purppies either. Ha Ha. Old age creepeth in.

  3. Beautiful Birds! Lots of folks here keep parrots and parakeets in cages in their stores or on their porches. One grocery store across from the plaza has 2 big cages of birds... they put those cages out on the sidewalk everyday and the birds talk and screech all day long. Neither cage has a Maccaw, but whatever species is pretty... and very vocal!

    1. Where you are, all you have to do is look out your window. I suppose you have a mix of both northern and southern birds there.

  4. I love to look at birds of all kinds and sizes, but never felt a desire to own one. Yours is beautiful and your feed bill should be low, unless he uses a lot batteries!

    1. One nice thing, when I get tired of hearing it, I just turn its switch to off. That happened about an hour ago. . .

  5. My mother-in-law used to have one. Shutting it off happened very quickly, hahaha

  6. Yours looks to be a lot less trouble than the Rose Breasted Cockatoos that I used to have. Noisy, messy, and live forever. I finally gave them away ~ never again to keep such a creature. Now my cat, that's a different story ...

    1. The best thing about an artificial one is that you can turn it off.
