Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Guest in my Bed.

My wife buys lots of things, some very useful and some not so much.  One of those "not so much" items was a woman's head.  No, not a real head but an artificial head.  So earlier today when I was walking through the house I spotted that artificial head so I picked it up and went into the bedroom.

I propped the head up against the wall at the top of the bed and turned the pillow sideways and put it under the sheet and spread.  That made it appear that the head had a body.  Here, take a look and see what it looked like:

I knew that when my wife gets a phone call, she carries the phone into the bedroom and sits on the bed while she talks, so I knew, sooner or later, that she would see the lady in the bed.  I didn't get quite the reaction that I expected.  She said that if that is the kind of gal I was attracted to, she hoped we would be very happy.  Actually,   She didn't really say that, I just figured that is what she was thinking.  Actually, I can't remember just what she said.  But one thing I do know, before bedtime, the head must go.  Now, you all have sweet dreams, you hear?


  1. Isn't it surprising how what we think is funny and what our wives think is funny can be two completely different things?

    1. Yep. Aren't men from Mars and women from Venus? Those two planets are many miles apart, not unlike men and women (grin).

  2. Replies
    1. I try to brighten each day up with a little humor.

  3. What in the world were you thinking! (I can't stop laughing)

    1. I don't know. The head was there, the bed was there, and I was there. . . it just happened.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks JO, I hope it put a smile on your face.

  5. You are a good prankster...hope your wife was able to see the humor in it :)

    1. We have been married for 53 years. She better know me by now and how much I like humor and pranks.

  6. That is so funny. Wish I could have seen your wife reaction. Bet you both got a good laugh out of it.

  7. Maybe she just knows you well enough to expect something like that from you ;-) What was she planning to do with that head herself??!!

  8. Funny! This could be a new tradition (like that weird Elf on the Shelf). Put the head somewhere new everyday...the freezer could be good for a laugh.

    1. Now that is a great idea. Maybe I will do that.
