Saturday, November 19, 2016

Horse Show

Went to the Farm Show Grounds to watch our daughter-in-law's little girl show a horse in the horse show.  In was unseasonably cold and windy, but watching that little gal with that huge horse somehow warmed our hearts and our bodies.  OK, I suppose you want some pictures, so here they are:

This next one is a little dark but I wanted to get her contestant number which she wore on back:

Here she is with the horse she showed.  You can see how happy she looks.  She really enjoys being around horses:

There were two ladies judging.  They both would check out each horse.  There is only one judge in this picture:

And off she goes walking the horse around the arena and then back to the center for the judges to check them out one more time up close:

Here she is with her first place blue ribbon.  The couple behind her are her other grandparents.  They are a really nice couple:

The champ, showing off her blue ribbon and eating a victory donut:

Well, as you can see, my wife and I had a really great morning.  Now, you all have a great day no matter what you do, you hear?


  1. That is a mighty fine looking young woman, and a mighty fine blue victory ribbon! Congratulations to your granddaughter.

    1. Yes, we were proud of her and she was thrilled.

  2. What fun! My brother's twin daughters showed horsed all through their pre-teens and into their college years, so I can relate to your photos.... so glad you got to be there and check it all out. Muy bien!

    1. We didn't have much notice and my wife had a hurt foot she could hardly walk on, but she said that we were going, no excuses. So we went and both of us really enjoyed it. I can imagine how much fun and competition it would be for twins.

  3. Such a happy smile on her face what a cutie and her horse is huge and beautiful. A blue ribbon winner for sure

    1. It was her day for sure. She sure was a happy cowgirl.

  4. Congratulations to the blue ribbon winner, she looks so happy! Her horse is a beautiful specimen.

    Kudos to you both for attending even though your wife did not feel well. I am sure you made this even more special for your step grand-daughter.

    1. There were a lot of cute kids with their beautiful horses, but I was disappointed that there were very few spectators. Just a few parents and grandparents.

  5. We still have the stock shows here, most of my nieces and nephews have something to show, mainly cattle or hogs. Get lots of blue ribbons too. Then they take them on to Houston or San Antonio. They sell them later for huge amounts, college money. And it's always on the coldest day of the year, seems like.
    That girl and her horse are BEAUTIFUL.

    1. You can bundle up when it is too cold but when it is too hot, you can only take so many clothes off. It is great that they have worthwhile things for the kids to do and projects to work on.

  6. Growing up on a farm, I still love these kind of events.

    1. I spent a lot of time at my Uncle's farm when I was kid. Learned to hand milk cows, etc. One etc. was to kill an old rooster for supper. I chopped its head off but it got away from me. Never did find that headless chicken.

  7. Congratulations to beautiful young lady. She looks so proud and her horse is gorgeous.

    1. Thanks Linda. Yes, and she did a great job, too.
