Friday, November 25, 2016

A Numbers Game.

What comes to mind when you hear the words, "Numbers Game"?  Could be the first thing that came to mind was the illegal numbers game that was or is controlled  by the Mafia or some other organization?  But that isn't what comes to my mind.

I first think of one of my favorite games, Sudoku.  I really enjoy that puzzle game.  In fact I carry a book of Sudoku games in my Jeep in case I have to spend time waiting on my wife while she shops at Michael's or Hobby Lobby of if I have to wait for service at a doctor's office or auto repair shop or where ever I have to wait for someone or something.  Do you want some examples?  If so, there are a lot of sites on the internet with Sudoku games.  Here is one of them:

If you try them or have worked Sudoku puzzles before, let me know how you like them.  I guess you could say they are sort of a numbers crossword or crossnumbers puzzle.  Yes, I know that "crossnumbers" is not a real word but this is my blog and I will use it if I want to (grin).  I hope you don't lose any sleep nor pull any of your hair out trying to figure them out, but have a great day, you hear?


  1. Sudoku has never been my game, but I love really challenging crossword puzzles. I could never even figure out the basics in Sudoku, so you are way ahead of me on that one!

    1. I have always been better with numbers than with words.

  2. Daily life has been enough of a puzzle for me lately.

  3. I love playing Sudoku. I also keep a book with me at all times.

    1. You're a gal after my own heart. They are addicting, aren't they?

  4. never tried it, should have since numbers are my thang,,, lol

  5. Bill works at least one sudoku puzzle everyday... me.. I like jigsaw puzzles and crossword puzzles better. I like finding puzzle sites on-line... free. Do you like logic puzzles? I'm not good at them, but remember when in grade school trying to figure out... if Johnny has 2 purple marbles and trades one.... etc etc.

    1. I like Sudoku better than most other kinds, although logic puzzles take second place.

  6. That is proably better than the Euchre games I play while waiting:)

    1. I thought that game took four players?? I guess you could find three other players on line.

  7. I have that app on my phone and do enjoy it at times, when I forget my book.

    1. I have computers and tablets, but only have a flip and talk phone. But my phone also tells the time. . . (grin).

  8. I thought I was the only one who loved Sudoku. In fact, I bought a handheld sudoku battery powered one so that I didn't need an eraser. lol But now, I can't work it with my right hand and I've never been a lefty.

    1. No, you are not the only one. In fact you and I aren't the only two. I just bet that there are a dozen or more. . . grin
