Thursday, November 17, 2016

Different Hats for Different Folks

There are all kinds, shapes, and sizes of hats and caps.  There are women's hats and men's hats and kids hats and baby hats and all types of different head coverings around the world.  There are sports hats, graduation hats, etc.

The first picture is of men's hats, nine different styles:

 And in years gone by, if a man wanted to dress up for the evening, he would wear one of these top hats:

And of course women's hats: 

Some more men's hats and men's caps:

This next one has hats, caps, helmets, etc.:

OK, this last one has lots of different hats and caps for lots of different uses. 
OK, how many of all these hats shown in this blog posting have you worn at one time or another?  I have worn quite a few of them in the past.  Now, I tip my hat to you and hope you have a great evening, you hear?


  1. 3 and several styles not shown. I am ready to get a river runner hat.

  2. I had a red felt hat that I loved and always wore it canoeing or fishing or hunting. I got it when I was in college at Penn State.

  3. My Dad and both grandfathers always wore a Homburg style hat when going out. I still think that looks so nice. It makes a man look classy when he wears a "dress' hat. Have a great weekend.

    1. My Dad always wore a hat when out anywhere. If you didn't have one on, he felt half naked.

    2. My Dad wore a hat when he went out anywhere. He felt half naked without one on.

  4. Man...that's a lot of hats! I used to wear a hat or cap all the time, but hardly ever anymore.

    1. I have a couple of cowboy hats, one for the summer and one for the winter. The only cap I have is one from the GPAA (Gold Prospectors' Association of America) I have been to a couple of their outings, both in Arizona. Really enjoyed myself.

  5. I love wearing hats, Dizzy, and have several. My hubby also, and he has several styles of newsboy caps, which we call porkpies. My favorites, though, are a large black & white "My Fair Lady" style I bought in Australia for Race Day (cost $5 at K-Mart), and hubby's hard hat that looks just like a white cowboy hat. He loves to wear it when it's raining, cause the water just pours right off.
    Thanks for an interesting post.

    1. I bet Australia is a great place to visit. What race are you talking about?

    2. Ascot, of course. Took place in Great Britain, but Australia is still a British Commonwealth. It's one of the few times of the year the Aussies don't mind being part of the British empire.

  6. Spent most of my life in ball caps, cowboy hats and of course uniform hats:)

  7. Other than a few women's fancy hats back in the day, and the mortarboard, I have never worn hats. I look like a dork in a hat!

    1. Oh come now, I don't believe you could never look like a dork.

  8. Wore quite a few hats, but no top hats. Now I want one. :)

    I like a good wide brimmed hat for when I'm outside in the sun. Keeps my nose and ears from burning off. :)

    1. Wide brimmed hats are perfect for the Texas sun.

  9. I love hats and caps, but always feel stupid wearing them. I once got some fantastic advice no how to wear my hat "Tilt it and walk with an attitude" It worked!!!!

    1. Yep, no one wants to fool with someone with an

  10. This is great, I love hats. People don't wear hats often enough. Kids at my sons school are only allowed to wear them at school on 'hat day'.
