Monday, November 14, 2016

Update With Pictures.

Yesterday I posted a blog about my grandson and his son, my great grandson.  I gave a link to Facebook where my grand-daughter-in-law had posted pictures.  Today I am going to post the pictures that I took.  This first picture is my grandson holding my great grandson:

And another one, only in this picture, baby Lane is giving us his serious looking frown.  I wonder what he is thinking?  Maybe he is thinking "enough is enough, what are these old folks trying to do to me?"

This last picture is a family picture of Daddy, Mommy, and Baby Lane.  I guess we wore him out.

Sorry, don't want to bore you with my family pictures, but I just had to show off (again) pictures of the third and fourth generation of my wife's and my family.  I wish my son could have lived to see his grandson.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. You got some good looking family there Dizzy.

  2. Thanks Sixbears, I think so. Wouldn't trade them in for anything or anyone.

  3. What a darling! And what a look in that second photo! That is a real prize winner. Good looking family, Diz.

    1. Thanks Gypsy. Yes, I think it is a good looking family, but I am a little bit prejudice. . . well, maybe a bit more than a little bit.

  4. You can't bore me with beautiful babies and family members and a beautiful baby he is.

  5. Thanks for posting the pictures. I tried the Facebook link but it wouldn't open for me. Beautiful family photos. Your great-grandson is a cutie and I especially love the family photo.

    1. I just went back and clicked on the link and it worked for me. Maybe you have to be a member of Facebook. Are you?

    2. Maybe you have to be a "friend" or something. I am a Facebook member but the link says it isn't available to me. Anyway, thanks for putting the pictures on your Blog.

  6. I do not know what is happening. Have made two comments and they have both dissappeared :-(

    Your grandson is gorgeous. You have a fine looking family.

    1. Maybe it is that invisible ink you are using (grin). Thanks, and he is cute, too...
