Saturday, October 29, 2016

Surprise at the Hummingbird Feeder.

We have multiple bird feeders and also offer the birds suet.  They seem to enjoy it.  I also spread some bird seed on the ground for the doves and other birds who prefer not to get their food out of the bird feeders. 

We get all kinds of visitors to the feeders.  Yes there are quite a few different species of birds from large crows down to small hummingbirds, but we also get squirrels, rabbits, raccoons, opossums, etc.

In this next picture, I want you to take notice of the step stool below the hummingbird feeder.  I need to step up on that to hang the feeder.

The other night after dark, I went out to get the feeders.  I stepped up on the stool and reached up to the railing with my free hand to help steady myself as I hung the hummingbird feeder.  Something didn't feel right.  It was cool and cylindrical.  Yep, I had grabbed hold of a snake.  I don't know who was more surprised, it or me.  It took off and I have no idea where it went or what kind of snake it was.  I was getting a little sleepy when I went out to retrieve the feeders, but that sure did wake me up.  Things like that are not at all bad.  They wake you up, keep you alert for a few days, and give me something to write about on my blog when I have no other inspirations.  I only wish I could have taken a picture.  I guess you will just have to use your imagination.  Now, don't accidently pick up any snakes and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I think I would have had a heart attack. Good thing it wasn't an aggressive snake, although it was probably as surprised as you were. Careful out there.

    I used to feed the doves on the ground also, and the seed they liked best didn't attract anything else, even the squirrels. It was a white seed but I can't remember the name of it. The birds would come and look up at the kitchen window until I noticed there wasn't any seed left. I would love to feed the birds again but don't want feral cats and squirrels hanging around.

    1. Snakes do not bother me but some of them should be treated with the respect that they deserve.

    2. Great article with excellent idea!Thank you for such a valuable article. I really appreciate for this great information.. pet timer feeder

  2. I guess we can call you the snake handler.....


    1. Yep, I had a pet snake one time and sure could tell you the funny stories that it caused. I am not afraid to handle snakes, but I don't like surprises.

  3. Thanks Dizzy. I got a chuckle out of that one.

  4. Now I'm wondering why that guy was there... maybe because it was cool? I kinda like snakes, but it's the "surprise" factor that scares the bejebbers out of me... I'd have fallen off that stepstool ... or worse!

  5. The snake was waiting to snack on whatever came to the feeder. That would be an easy meal.

    An old timer told me years ago that snakes will visit blackberry patches so they can grab the birds that come to eat the berries.

    Just a thought.

    1. I thought of that, too, but figured those little hummingbirds were agile enough to get out of harms way.

    2. Oh yes, he was probably up there to catch one of the geckos that crawl around that ledge.

    3. The seeds and things may also attract a mouse or two and the snake could have been waiting for one.

    4. No seeds up there, just the sugar water in the hummingbird feeder. Maybe the snake wanted a position to watch the yard and the other bird feeder that does attract birds and rabbits and squirrels and probably mice.

  6. OMG, that's so creepy! So I guess you'll be doing that during the day from now on? Or bringing out a flashlight with you? At least it wasn't a rattler. Geez, so creepy! :(

    1. It was the surprise that got me. I think the snake was more scared than I was.

  7. Trick or treat, who was the scaree and who was the scarer? Guess you never know who is going to drop by for dinner. Great story!

    1. I don't think it would ever have a chance to catch a hummingbird. We never have any dinner guests, so I was sad that I had to turn him away. . .

  8. Wow, your "trick or treater" came early. That would have scared the crap out of me and I would have screamed like a girl. Oh wait, I am a girl. Glad the snake was as scared as you and left right away.

    1. Yep, it left in quite a hurry. Just sort of disappeared. . .

  9. Oooh! What a slithery surprise! I don't quite understand why you can't reach the feeder from inside the porch. Happy Trails and Tails, Penny
